RANT: Is 2006 ready for the big time yet?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TOP, Feb 27, 2006.

  1. TOP

    haulin79 Guest

    How about forming a SolidWorks Users Union...

    We can collectively demand voted on improvements or else we ALL stop
    paying the yearly subscription to SW.
    haulin79, Mar 1, 2006

  2. We did this a few years ago (2001?) As I recall, Mark Stapleton (Sporky)
    started a subscription boycott. It got the attention of SolidWorks
    management. Mark and two others (Paul Kellner and Ken Redman?), known as the
    Three Amigos, were invited to Boston to talk to them. They promised to do
    better, and did improve a bit. Now they seem to be getting out of hand

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Mar 1, 2006
  3. TOP

    neil Guest

    SW seem to do things in their own sweet time and way whatever the messes
    they get into and no statement of regret, apology etc is ever forthcoming.
    I don't think trying to organise a boycott will be effective in changing any
    undesirable performance on the part of some errant SW employees.
    I think the upset at the moment is mainly about PDF bugs and
    sp3,3.1,3.3,3.4? and it is true this has been badly handled but there is not
    a lot that can be done about it other than make sure customer
    dissatisfaction is heard loudly through all channels. Contact you VARs and
    make use of the customer experience section of the official forum to make
    your opinions known if your work is really affected by this. Most likely you
    will only hear weasel words in reply but at least they hear it and it will
    filter up.
    At the moment they are still doing better than previous releases where every
    sp had follow ups. Clearly the work swapping over from Bluebeam to Adobe was
    not done in time for the sp3 and there are still bits being sorted now. It
    must have been a known inside the company that it wasn't ready for real
    use.For this SW deserve a good ticking off but in their defence perhaps they
    have some unpublicised issues with license agreements to deal with that have
    hampered their progress.
    As per usual they make everything much worse will poor communications.
    I had hoped we were making real progress in that area but it doesn't look
    good this time...my condolences to those on the sp treadmill.
    neil, Mar 1, 2006
  4. TOP

    TOP Guest

    Mark Stapleton (aka Sporkman), Mark Mossberg and I. The Three Amigos
    moniker originated with the SW receptionist.

    For what it is worth, I did another alternate position view with a
    similar assembly and it appears to have hope of working. So what we may
    be looking at is a lack of robustness when faced with a less than ideal
    assembly. This doesn't portend well for new users or old users with bad
    TOP, Mar 1, 2006
  5. TOP

    ken Guest

    What will get their attention are some note worthy customers jumping ship to
    a competitors product, and that competitor advertising the fact that it

    ken, Mar 2, 2006
  6. TOP

    neil Guest

    Unfortunately most people have a substantial commitment to SW in financial
    terms, file types and also user knowledge so there would have to be
    something very serious happen for a company to abandon it for something
    else. It is still a good product but quality drifts astray too
    often....which is why I have suspended subs :eek:)
    As has been pointed out often before it is an industry wide problem though.
    I really hoped SW had put some energy behind the scenes into improving
    matters so I am prepared to cut them a bit of slack with the transitional
    PDF issues as a regrettable blip however if this continues into stuff ups in
    sp4 and all the way to a sp4.4 a lot of customers could be set back to
    thinking about the 05sp1 experience and the like.
    SW big wigs should take heed of the grumbles audible here at the moment.
    They/we don't need another loss in confidence in their ability to deliver sp
    that really do work.
    neil, Mar 2, 2006
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