Random whinge

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Wal, Jun 2, 2004.

  1. Wal

    Wal Guest

    The bastard who decided that text leaders should be dimension elements
    deserves a poke in the eye and a chinese burn.
    Wal, Jun 2, 2004
  2. Wal

    AHA Guest

    And what should annotations be then ?


    "Wal" <> schreef in bericht
    | The bastard who decided that text leaders should be dimension elements
    | deserves a poke in the eye and a chinese burn.
    AHA, Jun 2, 2004
  3. Wal

    Wal Guest

    Text leaders belong to text. If not actually clasified as text they should
    be treated like garden variety graphic elements, subject to all the active
    settings that apply to lines and linestrings. Turn of the level with text in
    it and the leaders should go too. Having leaders subject to the settings
    used to control dimensions and vice versa is plain stupid. What have text
    leaders got to do with dimensions?... Zip, zero, SFA. Who needs text leaders
    to ignore reference file symbology? who needs text leaders on the dimensions
    Wal, Jun 3, 2004
  4. Wal

    domlanic Guest

    Agreed- just ONE example of the inscrutable "logic"???????? Bentley
    applied in product development. My feeling is the original programmer
    went for the quick'n'dirty fix on this one. Don't care too much HOW
    elements are defined EXCEPT that a note & its associated leader must
    behave as one element- which is not the case now.
    MOZART is their golden opportunity to simplify & bring rational order
    to the current mish-mash of tools, add-ons/EC's & workflow variations.
    Living in hope.......
    domlanic, Jun 3, 2004
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