Random Parts being Hidden upon Drawing View Creation Sw2007

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by wc, Oct 16, 2007.

  1. wc

    wc Guest

    Just switched to 2007sp4, spent a day and a half baby sitting the
    Conversion Wizard(14000 files), I have an assembly with ~600 parts
    (created with sw2005) which when creating a new drawing some parts
    become hidden. They're not hidden in the assembly or an any config they
    just hide by themselves. I have to find them in the tree and select Show
    Component. Anybody else seen this? Is there any solution other than
    checking every part in every view?

    wc, Oct 16, 2007
  2. wc

    TOP Guest

    This is normal. In order to improve drawing performance SW will auto-
    hide the parts it thinks will be hidden. However, doing something that
    reveals the insides of an assembly will not unhide these parts. To do
    that you need to go into properties for the view and unhide the parts.
    This will also impact performance. But what good is performance if you
    can't see the parts?

    TOP, Oct 16, 2007
  3. wc

    wc Guest

    I was afraid of that, thank goodness my software is doing my thinking
    for me, pretty soon a monkey really will be able to do my job. They've
    been telling me that for years...
    wc, Oct 17, 2007
  4. Does this sound like what you are seeing? This is an option under Tools,
    Options, System Options, Drawings.

    Automatically hide components on view creation. If selected, any components
    of an assembly not visible in a new drawing view are hidden and listed on
    the Hide/Show Components tab of the Drawing View Properties dialog box. The
    components are present, and all component information is loaded. The
    component names are transparent in the FeatureManager design tree.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 17, 2007
  5. wc

    wc Guest

    Dang that sounded promising, but it was unchecked. Some further
    investigation revealed the parts that aren't showing in the first
    assembly drawing don't show in some other assemblies, but they do show
    in some others.

    We have about 5 versions of a large assembly, the parts are not showing
    in the two most recent assemblies, they do show in the third, but not
    the fourth...weird.

    wc, Oct 17, 2007
  6. wc

    Krister_L Guest

    Also see large assembly mode, if on some parts will be hidden in
    drawing views...seems like randomly chosen like Paul said before to
    encrease performance.

    // Krister
    Krister_L, Oct 17, 2007
  7. wc

    wc Guest

    That did it, seems a shame to make one turn off a performance feature,
    just to get an accurate drawing view.

    I unchecked "Automatically hide components on view creation" and it
    still hides parts "on the back" of the assembly, I can't figure out how
    to show them without drilling down the feature tree. But at least I can
    create a reasonably accurate view...

    wc, Oct 17, 2007
  8. wc

    Krister_L Guest

    As Wayne said, all hidden parts in a view are listed in in the
    property dialoge box. Right klick in the view and take properties,
    there are three flaps...go to "Hide/Show Components".....and the list
    will show You all hidden parts. Just delete from the list and they
    will be visible in the view again.

    // Krister
    Krister_L, Oct 18, 2007
  9. wc

    wc Guest

    Thanks again, the problem I was having is that when
    selecting/right-click > DELETE a part to 'un-hide' nothing would happen.
    I have to select the part in the list then press the delete key on the
    keyboard to make *anything* happen... it seems to function properly with
    that 'work-around'

    Many thanks for the input...

    ....I need a refresher course.

    wc, Oct 18, 2007
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