Radius Tangency Problem

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Tim, Apr 6, 2004.

  1. Tim

    Tim Guest


    All the time, if I draw something with a radius in it (actually in the
    sketch and not a separate fillet), when I alter the dimensions, it
    will make one of the two sides of the radius tangent to the other
    line, but flip it around so that the radius is flipped around outside
    of the line, which just looks crazy. Has anyone found a way to fix
    this without redrawing the hole radius again?

    Tim, Apr 6, 2004
  2. Tim

    Sporkman Guest

    Tim if I understand you correctly this has happened to all of us. The
    "fix" is really to understand better what SolidWorks is doing and why.
    What I believe is happening to you specifically is that you are either
    failing to set up proper sketch relations prior to making a dimensional
    change or the sketch you have drawn is too far (dimensionally) from the
    reality of your intent to automagically adjust itself without flipping
    things around. Understanding sketch relations is critical to success
    with SolidWorks. My advice . . . practice, practice, practice. Sorry I
    can't be of more help, but perhaps if you can create a JPEG of your
    efforts and post it somewhere (NOT in a message -- this is not a binary
    newsgroup) someone could have more helpful comments. One appropriate
    place you CAN post binaries is in alt.binaries.comp-graphics and you can
    reference your posting in your message to this newsgroup.

    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    Watermark Design, LLC
    Charlotte, NC
    Sporkman, Apr 6, 2004
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