R. reorientating derived sketch

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Steven, Jun 1, 2004.

  1. Steven

    Steven Guest

    Our News server crashed over the weekend and lost all the replies to my
    original post, but I was able to read them on Google.

    Thank you to all who replied, however I had already tried to use Modify
    Sketch. Modify Sketch moves, scales and rotates but I can't see a way to
    use it to mirror a derived sketch. The Help doesn't list mirroring as one
    of it's capabilities.

    Thank you,
    Steven, Jun 1, 2004
  2. Steven

    Andrew Troup Guest

    From 2003 Help topic on Modify Sketch:

    <<Point at the end points or center of the black origin symbol to display
    one of three "flip" symbols on the right mouse button. Press the flip symbol
    to flip the sketch on the X axis, the Y axis, or both.>>

    The "origin symbol" referred to is the one which comes up when "Modify
    Sketch" is active, which is highly modal (it changes appearance and function
    depending where you move the cursor to)

    This Help topic is NOT well written, unless you already knew what it is
    trying to tell you (and, I might add, not trying very hard)
    Andrew Troup, Jun 1, 2004
  3. Steven

    Steven Guest

    Thank you, that was the extra information I required. I have now found
    the relevant line hidden in the Help. I overlooked it before because it's
    mentioned briefly at the end of the section about moving the sketch.
    Steven, Jun 2, 2004
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