quicker hyperlink

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bill DeShawn, Feb 12, 2005.

  1. Bill DeShawn

    Bill DeShawn Guest

    Sanjay asks:
    In AutoCAD 2004 when opening hyperlinks you need

    select the item > Right Click > select Hyperlink > Open

    In AutoCAD 2005 to open a hyperlink you can

    Select the item > Ctrl Right Click and it opens the hyperlink

    Is it possible to emulate this in AutoCAD 2004 via AutoLISP or a macro?

    I don't think this can be done with AutoLISP, but VLISP looks like it might
    be able to do it. But I am not familiar with those "VLAX" commands. Does
    anybody here have a way to do this?
    Bill DeShawn, Feb 12, 2005
  2. Bill DeShawn

    Bill DeShawn Guest

    That's OK. I was stumped, and so are you guys. I told Sanjay that if he
    wanted AutoCAD to work like ACAD 2005, he should buy ACAD 2005.
    Bill DeShawn, Feb 15, 2005
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