quick AutoCAD/Windows performance poll

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mataeux, Jan 21, 2005.

  1. mataeux

    mataeux Guest

    Has anyone experienced this problem within the past few weeks:

    Inability to COPYCLIP simultaneous with inability to WBLOCK; Commands do
    execute without error but clipboard remains empty or dwg file is not
    actually created; Problem seems to occur on networked workstations;
    Restarting AutoCAD may temporarily fix the problem.


    I remember this happening years ago but cannot recall the source of the
    problem. For the problem to have reoccurred on two workstations of entirely
    separate clients' at the same time seems too coincidental so here I want to
    quickly posit the idea of a virus in the OS before I delve further.
    mataeux, Jan 21, 2005
  2. I Doubt it's a Windows problem if you can save your drawing. AutoCAD
    disallows some things when system memory is compromised, like not displaying
    certain fonts, or colors. Perhaps OLE and WBLOCK functions are also

    Bill DeShawn
    Please reply to group only
    Thank you
    Bill DeShawn at Gregg Creghton's Office, Jan 21, 2005
  3. mataeux

    Gordon Price Guest

    I noticed something similar, in that I had a library of blocks, and all of a
    sudden I couldn't insert the block via Design Center, Cut and Paste, or drag
    n drop. Really wierd. I would refedit the block, and discover that the
    wipeouts in the block had 'turned into' a block reference, and ALL wipeouts
    seemed to be one big block. Select a wipeout when refediting the block, and
    all the other blocks in the drawing would highlight. I would monkey around
    to delete the "block" and create a new Wipeout, and everything would be
    fine. Until my next session, when it broke again. The problem ended up being
    that Demand Loading of ARXs was set to Command Invoke, not Object Detect &
    Command Invoke. And all wipeouts degrade to a single phantasmal block when
    the Wipeout ARX is available. When I did the Wipeout command the ARX loaded
    and I was good, until my next session. Lost a lot of sleep before I figured
    that one out. And kicked myself once I did. Still don't know how Demand
    Loading got changed.

    Anyway, take a look and see if that sheds any light at all on your problem.

    Gordon Price, Jan 21, 2005
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