questions on simulating THD' of s/h?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by wjcndyd, Jun 9, 2005.

  1. wjcndyd

    wjcndyd Guest

    I've finished a fully differential bps s/h block and am working on the
    charaterization of the specs. now I've got a bunch of questions
    concerning the usage of cadence spectre, ADE and calculator. Could
    anyone please help me out?

    1. what is the best/reliable method of simulating/measuring thd of s/h
    circuit? Seems to me there are 3 ways: 1) using calculator's thd
    function; 2) using dft function and calculate the harmonics from the
    plot; 3)using fourier analysis...

    2. If I use thd function (or dft func), how many samples do you
    recommend? The default is 64.

    For this method, what I did is to click the gernerated s/h output plot
    and apply thd func. Is this correct?

    3. How many cycles I need to run in the transient analysis? I run 30.1
    cycles (of the input signal period). According to my memory, the longer
    the better accuracy. Is this correct?

    4. I read the fourier analysis help (spectre -h fourier), but got
    confused by the first sentence right away: "The ratiometric Fourier
    analyzer measures the Fourier coefficients of two different signals at
    a specified fundamental frequency without loading the circuit..."? Why
    "two different signals"?

    5. What is the typical/acceptable thd?

    Thank you for your kind help!
    wjcndyd, Jun 9, 2005
  2. wjcndyd

    wjcndyd Guest

    wjcndyd, Jun 12, 2005
  3. Andrew Beckett, Jun 13, 2005
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