questions on arc direction (sense) in vba macro

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by pele, Mar 3, 2006.

  1. pele

    pele Guest

    It seems I have come across a problem that is proving somewhat difficult to

    I have an extrusion, think of a simple rectangle with some round holes cut
    or some round extrusions added to the profile. so it's like a swiss cheese,
    a hole in the middle, a "half-hole" on one edge, a bump on another etc... I
    don't know if it's even possible to post pictures, if it is then I'll post a
    snapshot of what I'm talking about.

    To my problem

    I have created some vba code to go through a selected face, go through all
    CoEdges and do some custom stuff. The problem arises with arcs. I have
    x,y,z, start x,y,z, end x,y,z, radius, everything but the direction of the
    arc is giving me gray hairs.

    When I go through all edges of the face each next edge is counter-clockwise
    from the previous one.

    Now my understanding of edge and curve "sense" is it tells you if the edge
    has been drawn clockwise or counter-clockwise. Which is fine. Exactly what I
    need in order to figure out whether the arc I'm currently dealing with is an
    "insie" or an "outside" (i.e. a cut in the side of my profile or a bump
    along it's edge)

    But it's not so simple as I get funny results with one of the arcs. two arcs
    are fine but the third is allways "wrong way round".

    Can someone enlighten me with the use of "sense"?


    pele, Mar 3, 2006
  2. pele

    pele Guest

    here are the pictures of what my shape looks like and what I'm getting to
    help you visualise everything. red edges are sense=true and blue edges are
    sense=false. green dot start of edge, red dot end of edge (notice that on
    blue edges order of start/end dots is reversed)
    pele, Mar 3, 2006
  3. pele

    pele Guest

    go to "view slideshow" to get the correct order of images and to see what
    I'm seeing when I run my macro. I'm having problems with the second arc, the
    one that appears to be sense=true but is actually clockwise (i.e. it cuts
    into the profile) and from what I've learned about sense it should be false
    (and it should be highlighted blue by my macro) but it's not! What gives?
    pele, Mar 3, 2006
  4. pele

    That70sTick Guest

    Looking at it...
    That70sTick, Mar 3, 2006
  5. pele

    That70sTick Guest

    Which particular API calls are you using? Your description of output
    ("x,y,z, start x,y,z, end x,y,z, radius") does not match anything I am
    finding in API help.
    That70sTick, Mar 3, 2006
  6. pele

    pele Guest

    heh ok sorry that was just a simplification of my calls.

    here's my function that "reckognises" a circle or an arc and if it's an arc
    calls drawArc (another function of mine). It's the stuff immediately before
    the call to drawArc that's confusing me.
    on my second arc (the one on the right-most edge of my part that cuts into
    it) I get the wrong sense and consequently wrong direction which then
    results in that "insie" becoming an "outsie".

    Sub doCircle(partFace As Variant, coEdgeObj As SldWorks.CoEdge, msg As
    Variant, out As GCode)
    Dim CircleParams As Variant
    Dim CurveParameters As Variant
    'Dim edgeObj As SldWorks.Edge

    Set edgeObj = coEdgeObj.GetEdge

    CircleParams = edgeObj.GetCurve.CircleParams()
    CurveParameters = edgeObj.GetCurveParams2

    x = CircleParams(0)
    y = CircleParams(1)
    z = CircleParams(2)
    r = CircleParams(6)

    msg = "Center point:" + Chr(10)
    msg = msg + "X:" + format(x) + ",Y:" + format(y) + ",Z:" + format(z) +
    msg = msg + "Radius:" + format(r) + Chr(10)
    If CurveParameters(0) = CurveParameters(3) And CurveParameters(1) =
    CurveParameters(4) Then
    Title = "Circle Info"
    out.drawCircle x, y, z, r
    Title = "Arc Info"

    Dim startX, endX, startY, endY As Double
    Dim sense As Boolean

    sense = edgeObj.EdgeInFaceSense(partFace)

    startX = CurveParameters(0)
    startY = CurveParameters(1)
    startZ = CurveParameters(2)
    endX = CurveParameters(3)
    endY = CurveParameters(4)
    endZ = CurveParameters(5)

    msg = msg + "Start point:" + Chr(10)
    msg = msg + "X:" & format(startX) & ",Y:" & format(startY) & Chr(10)
    msg = msg + "End point:" + Chr(10)
    msg = msg + "X:" & format(endX) & ",Y:" & format(endY) & Chr(10)
    out.drawArc x, y, z, startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ, r,
    End If
    End Sub
    pele, Mar 3, 2006
  7. pele

    pele Guest

    ok maybe my question is not qute clear. so let me rephrase it:

    how do you find out the direction of an arc? not where it's start and end
    points are (I guess "sense" tells me that) but if it's a clockwise or a
    counter-clockwise arc?

    p.s. I'm talking about edges of a face that are arcs, not sketches of arcs.
    pele, Mar 4, 2006
  8. pele

    Tin Man Guest

    Looking at Edge::GetCurveParams2 in the API Help, it states that it
    returns "curve direction (sense)". It looks like you have to find the
    underlying (sketch?) curve and compare the edge and curve...not very

    Looking at the available API Examples at I
    found "How to get the curve parameterization for the selected edge"
    example. Maybe it could shed some light?

    Tin Man, Mar 5, 2006
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