Questions about some things associated with ssget.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Friptzap, Apr 15, 2004.

  1. Friptzap

    Friptzap Guest

    OK I see what you mean. I need to start using this stuff more and it will probably be easier to understand for me rather than just reading explanations.

    Thanks for the help.
    Friptzap, Apr 21, 2004

  2. (setq a '((0 . "text")(8 . "LayerName")))
    => ((0 . "text") (8 . "LayerName"))

    (setq b '((cons 0 "text" )(cons 8 "LayerName")))
    => ((CONS 0 "text") (CONS 8 "LayerName"))

    In other words, if you want to call CONS to create a dotted pair, don't
    quote the list !

    (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "text" )(cons 8 "LayerName")))

    Martti Halminen, Apr 22, 2004
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