
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by dlevy, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. dlevy

    dlevy Guest

    Is Flowerpot and Cliff on the same team?

    That Flowerpot dewd is a riot.
    dlevy, Sep 12, 2007
  2. dlevy

    FlowerPot Guest

    Team? I don't need no stinking team.

    Really, didn't your mother ever tell you "don't feed the trolls"? You
    shouldn't say anything at all much less something positive. I might
    construe that as a reason for being and keep at it.

    No, cliff and I are not on the same team. We both insult JB at will, but
    then who doesn't?

    It's all in good clean fun, I mean no one takes this seriously except fr
    a couple thin-skinned c.c.sw types but who needs them? no one gets hurt,
    that't the main thing.

    FlowerPot, Sep 12, 2007
  3. dlevy

    Cliff Guest

    Probably depends on the subject matter <g>.
    Cliff, Sep 12, 2007
  4. dlevy

    Cliff Guest

    Poor clueless with his confusion over buzzwords ...
    Cliff, Sep 12, 2007
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