
Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Obelix, Apr 20, 2007.

  1. Obelix

    Obelix Guest

    Hy all,
    little days ago, I had asked to you to estimate my "idea" (ArchiWeb 2,0, visible
    on concerning the
    creation of one virtual study of architecture. That is the search of the point
    of synthesis between architecture and computer science. Taking advantage of the
    potentialities of web the 2.0. I have seen that nobody of you has given its
    ballot. I can ask the reason for such chosen?

    Obelix, Apr 20, 2007
  2. Obelix

    dgeesaman Guest

    Because you're a spammer, stupid.

    dgeesaman, Apr 20, 2007
  3. Obelix

    Obelix Guest

    ha scritto:
    I don't think that your answrer is right!
    At this moment, I can try to find a way, for the next 40 years of my life.
    MSc in architecture, are 10 years that I work as programmer. Now, I like to use
    my esperience for a new, better job.

    In, Italy, we have programs, like that, that help people to work as freelancer.

    Now, I've thinking an idea, that want construct in internet a virtual
    architecture studio, something like second life. So, the people that are
    interesting in this thing live in all the world. Now, I being search that people
    to understand if they are interesting in my futere job.


    I'm sorry for my poor english.
    Obelix, Apr 20, 2007
  4. Obelix

    ms Guest

    No dude, so sorry, nobody is interested in your future job.
    ms, Apr 21, 2007
  5. This newsgroup is for discussing the software Pro/ENGINEER. It's not
    for finding jobs, making industry contacts, or anything else. Therefore
    you're off-topic at best.

    David Geesaman, Apr 21, 2007
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