question - rebuilds, model updates, etc while editing drawing

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by bill a, Mar 5, 2005.

  1. bill a

    bill a Guest

    while editing some small multisheet drawings, i got to wondering if there is
    a way to
    cut down on all the file crunching swx does while working on drawing views.
    in some recent sessions, i was editing text, etc, and not doing anything to
    models. it seems that about 50% of my time is spent watching the hourglass
    or clicking response buttons about updating models, etc. the same model
    files were rebuilts, updated, etc, etc etc, maybe 300 times each during the
    session, all while not a thing was touched on any model. in a 4 hour
    session, i figured
    that the hard drive was thrashing about 210 minutes, while just editing a
    little text on
    3 smallish drawing files. is there any way to reduce the unnecessary file
    or is Dessault in the hard drive business?? ;)

    bill a, Mar 5, 2005
  2. bill a

    grantmi1 Guest

    Lol wow doesnt sound like fun. I know you can save a detached drawing
    file but I am not sure about your question.
    grantmi1, Mar 5, 2005
  3. bill a

    Merry Owen Guest

    Have you got any cherries in your model or a green re-build light that will
    not go away?? If so, SW will be constantly trying to rebuild the model to
    get rid of them.

    Merry :)
    Merry Owen, Mar 6, 2005
  4. bill a

    bill a Guest

    Yes, there are some of the green lights.
    I've answered yes to the Rebuild? prompts on components that haven't been
    changed in years
    (hundreds of times), hit the rebuild icon, control-Q, etc, etc.
    Is there a secret menu within swx that can enable it to be productive
    software :>) ???

    bill a, Mar 6, 2005

  5. You could try converting the drawing to RapidDraft format. Never having used
    it, I don't know how it is done, or even if it is possible to convert
    without remaking it from scratch. All I vaguely remember is that RapidDraft
    doesn't actually load the model.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Mar 6, 2005
  6. bill a

    grantmi1 Guest

    Wow, Paul you really don't like this software do you. What do you use?
    I hear that you use Pro-E is this true. You must know a lot about SW
    because I believe I have seen you either win the Beta testing
    competition or you were at the top of the list.
    grantmi1, Mar 7, 2005
  7. bill a

    Merry Owen Guest

    Your green lights may be a sketch contained within a supressed feature that
    is trying to referece something that it can no longer find. If so, find the
    feature/s and supress it's underlying sketch.

    Another cause of green lights is the use of 'flexible sub-assemblies'.

    If you no longer have green lights then it MAY be quicker to work with.

    The other thing that I have found to really slow down a drawing is sections
    thru weldments - it seems to struggle with this a lot more than it would
    with a similar sized assembly.

    Merry :)
    Merry Owen, Mar 7, 2005
  8. bill a

    bill a Guest

    No flex subs, but the green lights seem to be confined to one subassembly
    (multiple instances).
    The thing is, when one of these is opened, the components don't have the
    green light, and
    rebuilding, etc on each config don't seem to change anything.
    Maybe this is just a bug that might be fixed by 2012 or so. :)

    bill a, Mar 7, 2005
  9. bill a

    bill a Guest

    I've always been amazed that every release contains gee-whiz stuff that only
    a small fraction of users will infrequently utilize.
    On the other hand, a simple time study could come up with 30 to 40%
    productivity improvements for EVERY user, that would entail
    fixing bugs, and very obvious interface efficiency issues (years & years
    old). Yad think 30/40% productivity improvements would
    be of some interest to swx.
    bill a, Mar 7, 2005
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