Question re. Importing Parasolid Assemblies

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by R.H. \(Rick\) Mason, May 2, 2007.

  1. Folk,

    I occasionally send Parasolid assemblies (exported from another package)
    to SW Users, and almost always get asked to break the assembly up into
    individual part-files & resend.

    If a Parasolid assembly is opened in SW, is it possible to recognise it AS
    an Assembly and automatically extract the component parts? If so, I just
    need a simple step-by-step guide to send with the exported files.

    TIA from 'the other side'

    R.H. (Rick) Mason
    MASCO Design Services Pty Ltd
    Sydney, Australia
    R.H. \(Rick\) Mason, May 2, 2007
  2. R.H. \(Rick\) Mason

    TEngle Guest

    Rick Mason - wow, I haven't seen that name since my SE days.

    I occasionally import ParaSolids from Unigraphics into SW.
    SW does automatically recognize an assembly as that.
    However, the parts are usually labeled as Part-1 and so on.
    There is nothing that I can do on my end.

    A ParaSolid of an assembly that was exported from SW and imported back
    into SW does see the original part names.

    I assume the program that exported the ParaSolid is controlling how SW
    imports it.

    Todd Engle
    TEngle, May 2, 2007
  3. - Yep, still here trying to keep UGS honest & beat Users into shape ;-)
    - I'm not concerned about part naming so much as being able to open/
    view individual parts if they are imported as an Assembly first up. Are the
    parts 'glued' together as a lump, or can they be individually displayed?
    - I guess that depends on what header information is populated on export,
    and whether the importing program attempts to read the header data.
    - Probably a bit of both.

    R.H. \(Rick\) Mason, May 2, 2007
  4. R.H. \(Rick\) Mason

    TEngle Guest

    The UG assembly ParaSolids that I normally receive, open in SW as an

    SW automatically creates an assembly file and a part file for every
    component, including repeated parts (multiple of a fastener used
    numerous times).
    Each part file can be individually opened.
    Each is a dumb-solid.

    TEngle, May 2, 2007
  5. Thanks, Todd - this confirms what I thought the answer to be.

    I suspect that inexperience or lack of inquisitiveness are to blame at the
    'receiving end' ...

    Rick :-o
    R.H. \(Rick\) Mason, May 3, 2007
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