Question on Tools/Options/File Locations...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cutthroat.trout, Dec 15, 2005.

  1. Does, or is there a way to make SolidWorks look at subfolders for
    finding it's missing files in Tools/Options/File Locations?

    I haven't had luck getting it to do that, but it's functionality I'd
    like, at least for making purchased part model libraries.

    With that functionality I then wouldn't have to add new folders to the
    referenced documents file locations list every time we come up with a
    new manufacturer to add to our list.

    Currently we arrange purchased parts by maker, Bimba, 80/20, SKF,
    Boston Gear, etc.

    All contained in a folder called purchased parts, or something along
    those lines.

    Any thoughts?
    cutthroat.trout, Dec 15, 2005
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