Question on Text for symbols <MOD-DIAM> etc.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Matt Schroeder, Sep 8, 2006.

  1. Is there a text string that represents the finish symbol?

    There's many other symbols available with similar text strings, but I'm
    not finding anything for the finish symbol.

    --Matt Schroeder
    Matt Schroeder, Sep 8, 2006
  2. Not really sure what you are looking for when you ask for a "finish" symbol
    therefore I don't know if this list will give you the answer. Do a Google
    search on this group for the topic Complete list of GDT symbol names and see
    if you find what you are looking for. The list was written in 2004 so there
    may be more by now.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 8, 2006

  3. Surely you know what a surface finish mark is...


    --Matt Schroeder
    Matt Schroeder, Sep 8, 2006
  4. If you want the basic symbol, try <alt> 251
    (<alt> is holding down the alt key)

    I'm not sure if every machine is using the same upper ascii set, though.

    bill allemann, Sep 8, 2006
  5. Matt Schroeder

    CS Guest

    Are you opposed to using the surface finish Annotation. You can group
    it with other note items in 2007 and have them move as a single item.
    CS, Sep 12, 2006

  6. Corey,

    I was hoping there was a text string that would result in my being able
    to put a finish symbol in as annotation text. For instance, if I put
    in an annotation who's characters are <MOD-PM>.250 I get plus minus
    symbol .250 but I'd like to know if there's a similar text string that
    will result in a finish mark. No big deal if there isn't, it would
    just make my solution to a title block problem that much easier.

    The problem I have is this: Our drawing title blocks contain a box for
    a surface finish, this box in the TB has a finish mark present, albeit
    hand drawn with two lines, but it's there anyway, in the sheet format.
    No problems... Except some here would prefer that if there was no
    finish specification necessary on the drawing that there be no finish
    mark symbol in the title block. We fill in the finish value with a
    custom property, in a pulldown list from a program we have from our
    VAR, (which you likely knew Corey) so my possible solution to the wants
    of others here was to change the text string of the finish values in
    the pulldown to be prefixed with the proper text to generate the finish
    symbol along with it's value, if it was possible. i.e. <MOD-FINISH>32
    would, if it existed, make the digits 32 inside a finish mark, if there
    was such a text string, which I believe there is not. Then I could
    delete the two lines in the title blocks of my drawing templates, and
    everyone would be happy.

    --Matt Schroeder
    Matt Schroeder, Sep 13, 2006
  7. Matt Schroeder

    CS Guest

    Use <OBJECT ID="83">

    CS, Sep 13, 2006
  8. Matt Schroeder

    CS Guest

    Exactly. I inserted it with the button and checked the tag. I don't
    know the inner workings of how they make it work but HTML tags sounds
    good to me. The one I posted was from SW2007 but I didn't check 2006
    or earlier.
    CS, Sep 14, 2006
  9. Matt Schroeder

    CS Guest

    The question then is if you create a note in 05 referencing the finish
    symbol and import that into 06 or 07 will the symbol call get updated
    automatically or will it just fail?
    CS, Sep 14, 2006
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