Question on highlighting nets

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by SS, Nov 15, 2008.

  1. SS

    SS Guest

    I have a procedure to highlight a particular net each time I call it.
    Everytime I call the procedure I just want all the shapes in that
    particular net to be highlighted.

    All other previously highlighted nets should be unhighlighted. However
    this does'nt happen.

    All previously highlighted nets are not unhighlighted ? Why is this ?


    procedure(highLiteNet(cv netname lpp)
    let((net hlSetId)
    hlSetId=geCreateHilightSet(cv lpp)
    hlSetId->enable = nil
    net = dbFindNetByName(cv netname)
    foreach(fig net~>figs geAddHilightFig(hlSetId fig))
    hlSetId->enable = nil
    SS, Nov 15, 2008
  2. SS

    Joel Guest

    You have to remove the old highlights. For example, add the following
    to the beginning of your procedure to clear any existing highlight
    sets before creating a new one.

    Joel, Nov 17, 2008
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