Question on Assura LVS results

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Rajeswaran M, Sep 9, 2003.

  1. Rajeswaran M

    Rajeswaran M Guest

    Following is the situation,

    Some dummy capacitor is added to the layour, based on the unused space
    available in the block.

    The capacitor needs to be in the schematic. But the problem is that
    the LVS will show that the device is missing. So I have to add the
    device without knowing the parameter first time, run LVS again to get
    the parameter errors. Hence I have to run LVS 3 times to make the
    block clean.

    Is it possible to get the missing devices with parameter details, in
    first time itself so two LVS runs suffice the LVS clean?

    Consider that there are huge number of capacitors added in layout,
    between various nodes.

    Is there any option in avParameters to set? Or do we need to change
    the extract rule accordingly?

    Rajeswaran M, Sep 9, 2003
  2. Rajeswaran M

    S. Badel Guest

    the LVS tool removes parasitic components from the extracted netlist
    because they are inherently absent from the schematic.
    if you can tell lvs your component is a parasitic it will not be checked.

    this is from diva manual :

    "Sometimes the extracted view contains devices, such as parasitic devices,
    you do not want to include in the netlist for LVS checking. For any devices
    that you do not
    want to include in the netlist, you must set the lvs view property nlAction
    to ignore. The
    nlAction property must be placed in the property list of the device's

    most likely some similar functionnality exists in Assura.

    also from diva manual:

    "The saveParasitic statement (or extractDevice statement) used during
    circuit extraction must
    reference one of these special devices instead of a normal device, whenever
    that device does
    not appear in the schematic. The following special devices are available for
    this purpose.
    - pcapacitor : Equivalent to the normal device capacitor.
    - pdiode : Equivalent to the normal device diode.
    Each special device has a symbol cellview, which becomes the default
    referenced in the
    extracted layout so that it can be viewed. Each special device also has an
    lvs cellview for the
    LVS netlister, and a SPICE cellview to permit full simulation. If any other
    cellview is required,
    you must copy it, without change, from the normal cellview of that device
    and add it to the cell."
    S. Badel, Sep 9, 2003
  3. If you talk form dummy devices there are different approaches.
    Some people filter these dummy devices out of their layout netlist,
    so that they don't have to be drawn in the schematic.

    For that Assura offers the commands 'filter' and 'filterDevice'
    which you have to add in the compare.rul.
    For details please look in the docs.

    Bernd Fischer, Sep 9, 2003
  4. Bernd,

    In divaEXT+LVS you could also filter out by connectivity (ex:
    resistors with terminals shorted together will not be checked) you can
    use the table A-7 "Diva to Assura Rule Conversion Matrix" in the
    divatoassura document (assura3.0) if you already have a diva deck.

    My 2 cents on this are: if the designer wants matching, then he should
    enter the dummies in his schematic and put a note for the layouter.
    There are things like electromigration or matching that are too poorly
    automated and can better be left for people to do "by hand". They have
    to communicate anyway.

    Anyone thought about my question on piezo-induced mismatch ? Should I
    put it in another newsgroup ?
    eda support guy, Sep 9, 2003
  5. Rajeswaran M

    Rajeswaran M Guest

    Well, these are not parasitics and should not be filtered out.
    Rajeswaran M, Sep 9, 2003
  6. I know this will not help you I guess,
    but nowadays the most design kits come with PCells.
    This PCells have parameters to fill out for the layout.
    For C's e.g. capacitance and w and l depends on them or w and l and
    c depends on them.
    The calculating routine used in the PCell code is the same or nearly
    the same as used in the extract rules.
    So if you specify values for a C in layout then you should have the
    parameters which will be used for extraction and LVS.

    If you place a C as a fix cell in your layout you have to calculate the
    parameters used in the for extraction and LVS and attach them manual to
    the cell or as you already do extract the layout and look what values
    are extracted.

    No more ideas about this!

    Bernd Fischer, Sep 9, 2003
  7. Rajeswaran M

    S. Badel Guest

    so basically what you want is do the layout in the area
    that is left unoccupied (unknown apriori) an then
    get the parameters to add this in schematic, right ?

    ok if you do the layout, the extract it and look
    in the extracted view, locate the capacitor and
    find the device resulting from the extraction,
    it should contain the parameters you need.
    not including parasitics.

    (i guess that's what you want.)
    S. Badel, Sep 9, 2003
  8. I think Bernd's approach makes sense - you could always make your dummy
    capacitors compare based on the size rather than the value - and since you
    know what size the capacitor was when you added it, then this would be OK.

    Note, many people do use filtering for _dummy_ (not parasitic) devices.
    Personally I'm not so keen on this, but sometimes it's a viable option. However,
    if the dummy capacitors are connected to the circuit, you may well want to
    compare them - but then again, any kind of flow which you don't know what
    you've got until you do an LVS and then add the missing devices found back into
    the schematic doesn't seem any better to me than finding a way to filter these
    devices in the first place.


    Andrew Beckett, Sep 10, 2003
  9. Rajeswaran M

    Rajeswaran M Guest

    Thanks for your comments.

    Here I am trying to give more view about my need, where the filtering
    would not be recommended.

    I have hand drawn/autorouted layout block. I am trying to create a
    schematic for the same. I dont have anyother option than re-using the
    earlier schematic design which match the layout in some extent, say
    90%. I will have few device mismatches and large parameter mismatches,
    If do LVS with the schematic unmodified. To make the schematic to be
    compatible with the Layout, I have to do LVS for minimum two trail &
    error runs, for device and parameter mismatches respectively. The
    design is so huge that the more iterations will eat more time.
    So it is very much important to reduce the number of runs.

    So my expectation is that, if the LVS can able to say that there are
    missing devices, either in layout or schematic, why wouldn't it be
    possible to tell their parameters also.
    Rajeswaran M, Sep 10, 2003
  10. I think this is not the approach a layout versa schematic check was
    designed for, this is reverse engineering.
    A lvs should check a layout against the golden schematic and
    tell the layout errors, rather than tell what parameters
    you have to put in the schematic.

    But Assura lvs is able to tell you what parameters are missing
    in the schematic as also in the layout, if in the the compare.rul
    the combine function in 'permuteDevice' and/or the compare function
    in 'compareDeviceProperty' are setup to do this.

    I attach an example for a mimcap combine and compare function to this
    posting which is able to tell you missing parameters.


    ;; Disclaimer : NO WARRANTY, this SKILL function(s) is(are) released
    ;; without any warranty. The Author does not warrant,
    ;; guarantee, or make any representations regarding the
    ;; use, or the results of use of this SKILL function(s).
    ;; The entire risk of the use of this SKILL function(s)
    ;; is with you.

    ;; combine parallel MIM caps

    procedure( XIparallelMimCap( mimcap1 mimcap2 )
    prog( ( parCap missing1 missing2 )

    ;; set the output plist to nil

    parCap = ncons(nil)

    ;; if 'm' factor is missing, set it to 1

    when( !mimcap1->m mimcap1->m = 1 )
    when( !mimcap2->m mimcap2->m = 1 )

    ;; if 'c', 'w' or 'l' is missing, do not combine
    ;; for generic purpose 'w' and 'l' can be substituted by a prameter for area

    foreach( prop '( c w l )
    unless( get( mimcap1 prop )
    missing1 = cons( prop missing1 )
    ) ;; unless
    unless( get( mimcap2 prop )
    missing2 = cons( prop missing2 )
    ) ;; unless
    ) ;; foreach

    ;; report all missing parameters

    when( ( missing1 || missing2 )

    printf( "\n" )
    printf( "** Parallel MIMCAP with missing parameters not combined:\n" )

    when( missing1
    " 1st MIMCAP missing parameters: %s \n"
    buildString( missing1 "," ) )
    ) ;; when

    when( !missing1
    " 1st MIMCAP with all parameters \n" )
    ) ;; when

    when( missing2
    " 2nd MIMCAP missing parameters: %s \n"
    buildString( missing2 ",") )
    ) ;; when

    when( !missing2
    " 2nd MIMCAP with all parameters \n" )
    ) ;; when

    return( "doNotCombine" )

    ) ;; when

    ;; now we know that 'c', 'm', 'w' and 'l' are defined for both property lists

    ;; set variables to make typing easier and code simpler

    if( ( mimcap1->w && mimcap2->w ) then
    if( stringp( mimcap1->w ) then
    W1 = float( evalstring( mimcap1->w ) )
    W1 = float( mimcap1->w )
    ) ;; if string
    if( stringp( mimcap2->w ) then
    W2 = float( evalstring( mimcap2->w ) )
    W2 = float( mimcap2->w )
    ) ;; end if string
    ) ;; end if

    if( ( mimcap1->l && mimcap2->l ) then
    if( stringp( mimcap1->l ) then
    L1 = float( evalstring( mimcap1->l ) )
    L1 = float( mimcap1->l )
    ) ;; if string
    if( stringp( mimcap2->l ) then
    L2 = float( evalstring( mimcap2->l ) )
    L2 = float( mimcap2->l )
    ) ;; end if string
    ) ;; end if

    if( ( mimcap1->c && mimcap2->c ) then
    if( stringp( mimcap1->c ) then
    C1 = float( evalstring( mimcap1->c ) )
    C1 = float( mimcap1->c )
    ) ;; if string
    if( stringp( mimcap2->c ) then
    C2 = float( evalstring( mimcap2->c ) )
    C2 = float( mimcap2->c )
    ) ;; end if string
    ) ;; end if

    if( ( mimcap1->m && mimcap2->m ) then
    if( stringp( mimcap1->m ) then
    M1 = float( evalstring( mimcap1->m ) )
    M1 = float( mimcap1->m )
    ) ;; if string
    if( stringp( mimcap2->m ) then
    M2 = float( evalstring( mimcap2->m ) )
    M2 = float( mimcap2->m )
    ) ;; end if string
    ) ;; end if

    ;; combine parameters, make sure we set new L and M.
    ;; correct for m-factor here
    ;; combine only if 'w' or 'l' are equal

    diffW = abs( W2 - W1 )
    diffL = abs( L2 - L1 )

    ( diffW < 0.005e-6
    newW = float( W1 * M1 + W2 * M2 )
    newC = float( C1 * M1 + C2 * M2 )
    newL = L1
    ( diffL < 0.005e-6
    newL = float( L1 * M1 + L2 * M2 )
    newC = float( C1 * M1 + C2 * M2 )
    newW = W1
    ( t
    newC = C1
    newW = W1
    newL = L1
    return( "doNotCombine" )

    parCap->w = newW
    parCap->l = newL
    parCap->c = newC
    parCap->m = float(1.0)

    ;; report combining to the log file

    printf( "\n" )
    printf( "** Parallel MIMCAP combined \n" )

    printf( " 1st MIMCAP: c = %g w = %g l = %g m = %g\n" C1 W1 L1 M1 )
    printf( " 2nd MIMCAP: c = %g w = %g l = %g m = %g\n" C2 W2 L2 M2 )
    printf( " Resulting: c = %g w = %g l = %g m = 1 \n" newC newW newL )

    return( parCap )

    ) ;; prog

    ) ;; procedure XIparallelMimCap

    ;; compare MIMCAP parameters

    procedure( XIcompareMimCap( layPlist, schPlist )
    prog( ( missingLay missingSch )

    tolC = 1.0
    tolW = 1.0
    tolL = 1.0

    ;; if m factor is missing, set it to 1

    when( !layPlist->m layPlist->m = 1 )
    when( !schPlist->m schPlist->m = 1 )

    ;; if 'c', 'w' or 'l' is missing generate a parameter mismatch

    foreach( prop '( c w l )
    unless( get( layPlist prop )
    missingLay = cons( prop missingLay )
    ) ;; unless
    unless( get( schPlist prop )
    missingSch = cons( prop missingSch )
    ) ;; unless
    ) ;; foreach

    ;; report all missing parameters

    when( ( missingLay || missingSch )

    when( missingSch
    sprintf( msg1 "Schematic MIMCAP missing parameters: %s"
    buildString( missingSch ",") )
    ) ;; when
    when( !missingSch
    sprintf( msg1 "Schematic MIMCAP c/w/l/m %g %g %g %g"
    ) ;; when

    when( missingLay
    sprintf( msg2 "Layout MIMCAP missing parameters: %s"
    buildString( missingLay ",") )
    ) ;; when
    when( !missingLay
    sprintf( msg2 "Layout MIMCAP c/w/l/m %g %g %g %g"
    ) ;; when

    sprintf( msg "Error: %s ; %s" msg1 msg2 )
    return( msg )

    ) ;; when

    ;; now we know that 'c', 'w', 'l' and 'm' are defined for both plists
    ;; correct for 'm' here

    if( ( layPlist->w && schPlist->w ) then
    if( stringp( layPlist->w ) then
    layW = float( evalstring( layPlist->w ) )
    layW = float( layPlist->w )
    ) ;; if string
    if( stringp( schPlist->w ) then
    schW = float( evalstring( schPlist->w ) )
    schW = float( schPlist->w )
    ) ;; if string
    ) ;; if

    if( ( layPlist->l && schPlist->l ) then
    if( stringp( layPlist->l ) then
    layL = float( evalstring( layPlist->l ) )
    layL = float( layPlist->l )
    ) ;; if string
    if( stringp( schPlist->l ) then
    schL = float( evalstring( schPlist->l ) )
    schL = float( schPlist->l )
    ) ;; if string
    ) ;; if

    if( ( layPlist->c && schPlist->c ) then
    if( stringp( layPlist->c ) then
    layC = float( evalstring( layPlist->c ) )
    layC = float( layPlist->c )
    ) ;; if string
    if( stringp( schPlist->c ) then
    schC = float( evalstring( schPlist->c ) )
    schC = float( schPlist->c )
    ) ;; if string
    ) ;; if

    if( ( layPlist->m && schPlist->m ) then
    if( stringp( layPlist->m ) then
    layM = float( evalstring( layPlist->m ) )
    layM = float( layPlist->m )
    ) ;; if string
    if( stringp( schPlist->m ) then
    schM = float( evalstring( schPlist->m ) )
    schM = float( schPlist->m )
    ) ;; if string
    ) ;; if

    ;; combine only if 'w' or 'l' are equal

    diffW = abs( W2 - W1 )
    diffL = abs( L2 - L1 )

    ( diffW < 0.005e-6
    layC = float( layC * layM )
    layW = float( layW * layM )
    schC = float( schC * schM )
    schW = float( schW * schM )
    ( diffL < 0.005e-6
    layC = float( layC * layM )
    layL = float( layL * layM )
    schC = float( schC * schM )
    schL = float( schL * schM )

    diffC = 100 * (abs( layC - schC ) / schC )
    diffW = 100 * (abs( layW - schW ) / schW )
    diffL = 100 * (abs( layL - schL ) / schL )

    Cerr = nil
    Werr = nil
    Lerr = nil

    when( diffC > tolC Cerr = t )
    when( diffW > tolW Werr = t )
    when( diffL > tolL Lerr = t )

    ;; if no errors return nil

    when( !Cerr && !Werr && !Lerr return( nil ) )

    ;; now we know there is a parameter error

    "Error: MIMCAP Schematic c %g w %g l %g;
    Layout c %g w %g l %g" schC schW schL layC layW layL

    return( msg )

    ) ;; prog
    ) ;; procedure XIcompareMimCap
    Bernd Fischer, Sep 10, 2003
  11. Rajeswaran M

    Jay Lessert Guest

    Since *something* generates the layout for these devices, it
    would sure be nice if that *something* dumped a listing of
    what it did. :)

    But for some reason that is impossible, OK.

    After the extract, whether or not you do an LVS,
    you've got a perfectly good extracted netlist available
    to you,

    % vldbToVnl jobdir/jobname.ldb

    (There is also vldbToSpice, if you like that better)
    If the layout nets are all labeled (say these are all power/ground
    caps), you're done.

    Sounds like in your case you've got these guys hanging all over the
    place, though, too bad.

    In that case, I would put listXRef() in avCompareRules(),
    and use jobdir/jobname.cxl to map the netnames.

    It is possible, I suppose, that LVS will be so unhappy with
    the extra devices that you'll not get good cross-reference
    results; in that case your first-pass LVS will have to
    filterDevice() them. Then turn them back on in the
    second pass.

    Jay Lessert, Sep 11, 2003
  12. Rajeswaran M

    Rajeswaran M Guest

    Thanks Bernd!!!

    I guess the code provided would be what I am expecting. But I was
    thinking a simple LVS switch/avParameters-settings/keywords in
    compare.rul/extract.rul to achieve the function.

    Again, thank you for the code and will let you know about the results.

    Rajeswaran M, Sep 11, 2003
  13. Rajeswaran M

    John Gianni Guest

    1. For the record, I ran Bernd's SKILL code through a 5-minute SKILL Survey
    (which Customers can run also using the latest DFII software product
    #900 SKILL Development Environment) via email from the DFII SKILL
    Development Toolbox on the DFII command-interpreter window (just press
    on the new "SKILL Surveyor" button) - and sent Bernd the results for
    his edification.

    2. Based on this static test, Bernd's SKILL code is clean:
    - No private functions (i.e., undocumented unsupported dangerous) were used;
    - There are 31 public (well documented & supported) functions called;
    - There are no deleted functions (since IC440);
    - And, no Cadence re-defined public or private functions;
    - Also no un-defined functions (typos, mistakes, dependencies, etc.);
    - With only compatible enhancements made to the 31 functions called;
    - There are two Customer-defined functions;
    - Both are properly named (e.g., starting with a capital-letter prefix);
    - And neither is called within the SKILL code itself.

    3. I did not run a dynamic test (e.g., SKILL Lint), but based on the
    quick static test above, I'm confident this code likely meets Cadence
    current coding standards (documented in the latest manuals or available
    upon request from your local sales office).
    John Gianni, Sep 14, 2003
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