Question Layout / schematic / skill

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by bu-bu, Nov 24, 2009.

  1. bu-bu

    bu-bu Guest

    Hello All,

    I’m writing a skill script that establish connectivity (using VXL ) in
    a layout.

    I have a schematic, and all the subcells, in the library LIB_SCH.
    This lib is read-only, and all the symbols / schematic inside refer to
    this library.

    I have a top layout, in the library LIB_LAY.
    This lib contains all the layout cells used in the top layout.
    The layout refer to the schematic in LIB_SCH.

    Both LIB_SCH and LIB_LAY are “stand alone” libraries, except that
    LIB_LAY refers to LIB_SCH for connectivity.

    When I run VXL, after updating components and nets, it flags all my
    layout instances, because the layout library is different from the
    schematic library.

    One workaround could be to use the lxUseCell property in the
    schematic, but this one is read-only.

    So I wanted to know if there is a variable I can set somewhere to say
    VXL to use the all the layout cells in library LIB_LAY , and not to
    care about the libname defined by the schematic ? (cellnames are
    same )
    (a kind of lxUseCell on the fly for a read only schematic...)

    May someone help me please ?

    Thanks and regards,

    bu-bu, Nov 24, 2009
  2. As 6.1 has CPH for that, I think the envVar lxUseLibList must have been
    introduced earlier.

    Jean-Marc Bourguet, Nov 25, 2009
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