Question for PS Annotation adopters

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Gordon Price, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. Gordon Price

    Gordon Price Guest

    For those of you who have adopted dimensions & notes in PS, I have a
    question for you. How do you address things like...
    1: Structural grid dimensions? I usually put them in a seperate Structural
    Grid drawing and Xref that into each plan. That way I don't have to deal
    with recreating them each time.
    2: Details? I put all notes and dimensions in the detail drawing, so that
    the detail is a self contained and complete drawing. Maintaining a library
    of MS based linework and PS based annotation seems painful.

    I know one option is to use two systems for dimensions and notes, but that
    then requires more maintainence.

    Anyway, just curious what folks are doing in this regard.

    Gordon Price, Nov 4, 2004
  2. Gordon Price

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    Your option #2 is how we deal with most of the details we require. We place those kinds of detail in a detail sheet(s) that is separate from the model. For those custom details, we just zoom into that area of the model and annotate that viewport.

    Grids are sometimes placed in MS, but only if that data is required to be displayed in a bunch of different drawings.
    OLD-CADaver, Nov 5, 2004
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