Question for Architects

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by atlanta1021, Sep 23, 2003.

  1. atlanta1021

    atlanta1021 Guest

    I think this is the appropriate forum for this. It's a simple
    question, that I'm sure won't have a simple answer, but it's baffled
    me since I've started working with AutoCAD (Release 10). I also
    realize I'm making a blanket statement, but I 've never encountered an
    Architect who doesn't do this. The question is:

    Why do architects not work with relation to real world coordinates?
    I'm not talking units, that's a no brainer, but I can't understand why
    they don't place their projects in the appropriate location with
    respect to the rest of the project? I realize that initial, you might
    not have the survery info, but once you do, would it make more sense
    from a design AND production standpoint to locate it on the survey.
    This way, when you transfer files with you consultants, there is no
    fuss and muss about where it should line up and with what points you
    should line it up.
    atlanta1021, Sep 23, 2003
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