question for architects / interior design

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by HFan, Aug 11, 2003.

  1. HFan

    HFan Guest

    We are working on a project for a company that manufactures trim and
    molding pieces for interiors.

    We would like to make artwork available to the design community free
    of charge so that the molding can be incorporated into their designs.

    The hope is that this would raise awareness of the use of trim/molding
    in general and the many variations available.

    We would like to know from the design community what is needed and
    wanted to make this quick and easy.

    The images are currently all AutoCAD cross-section renderings, but we
    could convert these into any desired file format and even
    pre-manipulate the images into three-dimensional extrusions.

    What is desired is for us to be able to make files that will be widely
    used, and we'd like to make them super-easy for the designers to
    incorporate into their design.

    What would be truly useful? Wire-frames? Solid 3-D grayscale images?
    Pre-colored? Perspective 3-D extrusions?

    In what file formats? CAD? TIFF? JPG? GIF?

    Thanks very much for all help on this!
    HFan, Aug 11, 2003
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