Question about "widh-based clearance rules" in VCR/VCAR

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Martin Groepl, Sep 15, 2005.

  1. Hi all,

    I have a problem with the "width-based clearance rules" in VCR/VCAR.
    In the .do file I have clearance rules like this:

    rule layer Metal2 (width_based_clear (width_thresh 1.2 (clear 0.24)))

    The rule is obeyed by the router if the wide metal is in the current
    routing hierarchy.
    Metal shapes in lower hierarchy levels are correctly recognized as
    The router changes to another routing level or routes around the obstacle.
    Unfortunately the router ignores the width-based clearance rules in this
    Therefore I get spacing violations in the DRC which are sometimes very
    hard to correct later.

    Is there a way to convince the router that width-based clearance rules
    have to be obeyed in all hierarchies?

    Thanks in advance.

    Martin Groepl, Sep 15, 2005
  2. Martin,

    rule ic (width_based_clear (width_thresh 1.2 (clear 0.24)))

    'ic' is a higher level for the rule command and has higher
    priority as 'layer', which means that the router should
    apply the width based clearance rule for all routing layers now.

    Bernd Fischer, Sep 15, 2005
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