question about accessing the "Undo memory"

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by MP, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. MP

    MP Guest

    I erase all instances of a given block
    I run the following deleteblock routine.(just a temp routine to demonstrate
    the problem)

    although no instances exist, the definition is still referenced

    If i close and reopen the dwg the def is not referenced and it can be

    My assumption is that the reference is contained in the "undo memory" or
    whatever that is called.

    Is there any way other than closing and reopening to selectively flush an
    object from the "undo memory"?
    probably not, just thought I'd ask


    printout on textscreen:
    (after erasing all instances of block)

    No inserts of PORCH-NORTH-BEAMS-PLAN exist in dwg
    Failed to delete PORCH-NORTH-BEAMS-PLAN
    Automation Error. Object is referenced


    after closing and reopening

    Command: deleteblock

    No inserts of PORCH-NORTH-BEAMS-PLAN exist in dwg
    Successfully deleted PORCH-NORTH-BEAMS-PLAN


    here is the deleteblock routine.
    the weird function names are just my toolbox versions - hopefully obvious
    from the name what they do

    (defun c:deleteblock()

    (setq blkname "PORCH-NORTH-BEAMS-PLAN"
    blkobj(adcfGet-BlockDef(adcfGet-ActiveDoc) blkname )

    (setq blkset(ssget"x"(list(cons 2 blkname))))
    (if(not blkset)
    (princ(strcat "\nNo inserts of " blkname " exist in dwg"))
    (setq res
    (list blkobj)
    (princ(strcat"\nSuccessfully deleted " blkname))
    (princ(strcat"\nFailed to delete " blkname "\n"
    (vl-catch-all-error-message res)))
    (princ(strcat"\nFound " (itoa (sslength blkset)) " inserts of " blkname))
    MP, Apr 7, 2005
  2. MP

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    What version? I just tested this in 2002 and it worked as expected:

    Command: deleteblock

    Found 1 inserts of car

    Command: e ERASE
    Select objects: 1 found

    Select objects:
    Command: deleteblock

    No inserts of car exist in dwg
    Successfully deleted car

    Jeff Mishler, Apr 7, 2005
  3. MP

    Tim Decker Guest

    You are dealing with two separate things, one is the block insertion,
    and the other is th block reference. The reference is a completely separate
    item, so even if you erase all of the insertions, that does not delete the
    reference from autocads block tables. Has nothing to do with the undo
    buffer/memory. You can think of it this way: the reference stores all of
    the entity information about the block, which takes up as much space as it
    would to have drawn all of the things that compose it, as well as an entry
    for the name of the reference; the insertion is just treated as a single
    entity which calls back to the drawing with whatever name you told it that
    it was supposed to be (this saves gobs of space since the reference is the
    only object that has all of the drawn entities in it). As a defense
    mechanism, autocad will not let you purge a reference, unless all of the
    insertions who are calling to it are erased, otherwise you would have what
    they call an "undefined" block, which can cause all kinds of problems.
    Hope this explains how block references work in a drawing. External
    references work on the same theory, but instead of the data about the
    entities that make up the block being stored within the working drawing,
    they are instead stored in an external drawing file, and then referenced in
    upon loading of the working drawing.
    Tim Decker, Apr 7, 2005
  4. With all due respect, the poster already fully understands
    the difference between a block and a block reference. I
    think you may not have understood the problem he's having.

    He is trying to delete the block (definition) object, when
    there are no references to the block found in any layout.

    Normally, AutoCAD will allow a block object to be deleted
    if there are no references to it, but in this case, it isn't.
    Tony Tanzillo, Apr 7, 2005
  5. Can you do a DXFOUT of the file, at the point where
    attempting to delete the block fails? UNDO memory
    should not affect this, because you could not undo
    the erasure of any references before you undo the
    deletion of the block.

    However, if you suspect that this may not be the
    case, then issue UNDO/Control/None followed by
    UNDO/All, and that should cause AutoCAD to discard
    undo information up to that point.
    Tony Tanzillo, Apr 7, 2005
  6. MP

    Tim Decker Guest

    According to the routine he was using, it was only deleting the insertions
    of the block only. So I explained why doing that still leaves the
    reference. The routine does not attempt to remove the definition at all. I
    drew my conclusions from that.
    Tim Decker, Apr 7, 2005
  7. You might want to take another look at it.

    The routine he posted doesn't delete any insertions
    of the block, it only checks to see if there are any
    insertions, and if there aren't, it deletes the block
    (definition) object.
    Tony Tanzillo, Apr 7, 2005
  8. MP

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    *BZZT* Wrong answer.......
    The above gets the Block definition from the block table.
    And the following attempts to delete it:
    Jeff Mishler, Apr 7, 2005
  9. MP

    MP Guest

    Sorry Tim,
    I guess my function names aren't as self-explanatory as I thought they were.
    (adcfGet-BlockDef(adcfGet-ActiveDoc) blkname )

    returns the vla-object referring to the block definition in the block table
    of the currently active document
    the routine didn't actually erase any inserts
    they were erased manually before running this routine
    this temp routine was just demonstrating that even without insertions there
    were references being held by acad.

    You're right that often times beginners confuse block refs with block defs.
    (Just happens that is one of the few things I do understand!)

    Thanks for trying anyway.
    MP, Apr 7, 2005
  10. MP

    MP Guest

    Thanks for checking

    MP, Apr 7, 2005
  11. MP

    MP Guest

    UNDO memory
    good point
    silly me
    I just couldn't think of what else would hold onto the def.
    I just tried it in a blank dwg, create simple block, erase, run routine,
    deletes just fine.
    but in 'real' dwgs that have been worked on for a while and where various
    blocks have been created, i get the weird effect.
    hmmmm...what could it be....
    I'll try the dxfout next time i get one that won't delete.
    What is that going to tell me?
    MP, Apr 7, 2005
  12. MP

    Tim Decker Guest

    my bad, mistook one of the functions, and got cornfused.
    Tim Decker, Apr 7, 2005
  13. MP

    Tim Decker Guest

    Thats the one i mistook, sorry guys.

    Tim Decker, Apr 7, 2005
  14. MP

    Tim Decker Guest

    OMG, I'm on a roll and can't get off!
    (help it's a kaiser)
    Tim Decker, Apr 7, 2005
  15. MP

    Tim Decker Guest

    that what happens when you get old, and the eyes start deceiving you
    Tim Decker, Apr 7, 2005
  16. MP

    MP Guest

    I know that one too well, unfortunately
    MP, Apr 7, 2005
  17. MP

    T.Willey Guest

    Could it be that the block you are trying to purge is a nested block in one of you others ones? Just and idea.

    T.Willey, Apr 7, 2005
  18. MP

    MP Guest

    Good thought.
    However, the fact that closing and reopening the dwg allows the delete
    suggests that's not the case in this instance.
    That's what originally made me think about the undo buffer...which t.t.
    elegantly pointed out would not be the case either.

    Thanks for giving it some thought.

    one of you others ones? Just and idea.
    MP, Apr 8, 2005
  19. The fact that you can reopen the drawing and purge
    the block, would suggest that there is something in
    the drawing that's referencing the block, and that is
    being purged or discarded when drawing is saved,
    and reopened.

    For example, an unreferenced anonymous block that
    contains an insertiion of the block that can't be
    purged, will prevent you from deleting it, but when
    AutoCAD saves/reopens the draiwng, it automatically
    purges the unreferenced anonymous block, and the
    block you want to purge then becomes unreferenced.
    Tony Tanzillo, Apr 8, 2005
  20. MP

    MP Guest

    Wonder what would have created an unreferenced anon block?
    I can add a block def search for the block ref to make sure(in my goofy
    little temp func).
    ....thinking out loud....would a foreach on the block collection catch anon
    I'll try...just never use anons for anything so not sure off hand.
    Thanks for the ideas.
    ....back to the ...<computer>...drawing board
    MP, Apr 8, 2005
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