Query about Verifault-XL

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by nitinyogi80, May 22, 2005.

  1. nitinyogi80

    nitinyogi80 Guest

    I am Nitin Yogi and I am pursuing my PhD at Auburn Univ. in
    the field of RTL testing. For my research I am in need of a RTL fault
    simulator. I have been through the postings on this group and a few
    others. Some people had mentioned about Cadence's Verifault-XL. Our
    university has a cadence package installed in our labs but I could'nt
    find the software. Also I checked at cadence.com and they have no
    reference what so ever to the package. Have cadence discontinued the
    package or am I looking in the wrong place? If Verifault-XL is
    discontinued, is there any new software which has taken it's place?
    Also does anyone know of any other RTL fault simulator I could use? I
    checked with Mentor Graphics and they don't seem to provide any such

    Thanks for reading this query. Any kind of information will be really
    helpful. Thanks in advance...

    nitinyogi80, May 22, 2005
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