Quadro FX 1500 vs 3500 ? Which one ?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Nicolas Rubin, Nov 27, 2007.

  1. Hi All,

    I would know what's the difference beetwen this card, is there a really
    reason to prefer FX 3500 against FX 1500 ?

    The price is really different...(!) but on the nVidia webpage :


    the difference isn't relevant, maybe more bandwith (40 vs 42.2 GB/sec )
    and some other details ...

    Who could explain me where is the difference ?

    Thanks in advance


    Nicolas Rubin, Nov 27, 2007
  2. Nicolas Rubin

    jimsym Guest

    Get the FX 1700.

    With Quadro FX cards, the generation of the card is more important
    than the model.
    jimsym, Nov 27, 2007
  3. Nicolas Rubin

    iQ Guest

    1500, not SLI and uses ddr2 memory
    3500, SLI and uses ddr3 memory, this is why some of the numbers are

    SLI is not supported in SWx 2007, have not checked 2008 but i would
    expect that the answer is no.

    if price is an issue go for the 1500 or 1700. iQ
    iQ, Nov 27, 2007

  4. I have long been of the opinion that the difference between a "good enough"
    video card and an amazingly expensive video card was very little for most ME
    work. When I got my new computer, I bought the cheapest card that I could
    get that was certified to work with SW08, the Quadro FX 550. The last time
    one of my colleagues got a new computer, he bought the FX 3500. We haven't
    done any formal benchmarking, but so far we haven't noticed any substantial
    difference in performance. When he spins a relatively complex model, the
    motion is very smooth. Mine might be just the tiniest bit more choppy. His
    system will spin the model as fast as he can hit the arrow keys. Mine lags
    behind very slightly, so that after 24 hits, I'm at about 270 degrees of
    rotation instead of 360. I don't believe that this slight difference makes
    any difference in how fast I get my work done.

    You'll probably hear from other people who are very happy that they got the
    very fastest card. Maybe it really makes a difference for them. Maybe it
    will make a difference for you. I'm happy with my cheap card.

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Nov 30, 2007
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