Q: Export a vector graphic form Solidworks 2001 plus

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ralph Hopperdietzel, Nov 19, 2003.

  1. Hallo,

    we work with Solidworks 2001 plus on Windows NT / Windows 2000. Can i export
    a 3D-graphic as an vector graphic for import in adobe illustrator?

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Ralph Hopperdietzel

    EMU Unterwasserpumpen GmbH
    Brand Management / Tech. Docu.
    Telefon: (09281) 974-0
    Durchwahl: 395
    Ralph Hopperdietzel, Nov 19, 2003
  2. illustrator?

    See our information on vector formats and tools on
    But you'll meet 2 problems:
    1) "printer drivers" tools such as e-Print from www.leadtools.com recieve
    only bitmaps from SolidWorks part or assembly "print", so you will obtain
    real vectors only from a drawing...
    2) I know Illustrator likes EPS, but e-Print exports to EPS only as bitmap
    (bad quality). Does Illustrator support SVG now ?
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Nov 19, 2003
  3. Ralph Hopperdietzel

    TheTick Guest

    Ist nicht so schwer.

    I have been able to bring dxf into Adobe Illustrator. Sometimes this
    requires cleanup of the dxf file header (opening the file in a text
    editor and removing header info).

    Another method is to export PDF. SW 2001 does not have direct export,
    but you can print PDF using PDF995, available at http://www.pdf995.com
    for less than $10(U.S.). You can open/import PDF directly into AI.

    Roland E.C. Schwarz
    TheTick, Nov 19, 2003
  4. if you save as a pdf file. you can export the pdf file as a post script.
    Sean Phillips, Nov 19, 2003
  5. Hallo Roland,
    Beim Export von DXF-Files werden nur die Konturen ausgegeben. Ich möchte
    aber das komplette Teil als Vektorgraphik haben. (When I export an dxf-file,
    i have only the outlines. But i need the complete graphic as an

    Bei der Ausgabe als PDF-File wird auch nur ein Pixelbild ausgegeben. Ich
    kann keine einzelnen Flächen bzw. Konturen im Illustartor auswählen. (When i
    export a ps-file with a printer driver and convert a pdf-file, i have a
    pixel picture. I can not select individual surfaces or outlines.)

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Ralph Hopperdietzel

    EMU Unterwasserpumpen GmbH
    Brand Management / Tech. Docu.
    Telefon: (09281) 974-0
    Durchwahl: 395
    Ralph Hopperdietzel, Nov 19, 2003
  6. Hello Philippe,
    When i print from a drawing, have i only the outlines or the complete vector
    graphic with surfaces and outlines?
    We work with Illustrator 8. This version can not support SVG but i can open
    WMF or EMF.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Ralph Hopperdietzel

    EMU Unterwasserpumpen GmbH
    Brand Management / Tech. Docu.
    Telefon: (09281) 974-0
    Durchwahl: 395
    Ralph Hopperdietzel, Nov 19, 2003
  7. Ralph Hopperdietzel

    TheTick Guest

    One way is to create a special SW drawing for export. Lay out the
    views of your part in a drawing with hidden lines removed. Make a
    copy of each view, set the copy to shaded image, and align it (use
    "align horizontal/vertical by origin") with the original view. When
    you export to PDF, you will have a shaded image overlaid with vector
    line edges.

    This may also work with just using a shaded view and setting the view
    to show HLR edges, but I don't have a copy of AI to check the results.
    TheTick, Nov 19, 2003
  8. Ralph Hopperdietzel

    TheTick Guest

    Does illustrator allow import of VRML?

    TheTick, Nov 19, 2003
  9. Ralph Hopperdietzel

    Devin Hughey Guest

    I am not sure what you mean by exporting a "3D-Graphic", but it is possible
    to a SW drawing as a dxf and bring it into Corel Draw. From there you can
    save as an EPS for illustrator.
    Devin Hughey, Nov 19, 2003
  10. Hello,
    Sorry, i can not import the file format *.vrml in illustrator.

    Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Ralph Hopperdietzel

    EMU Unterwasserpumpen GmbH
    Brand Management / Tech. Docu.
    Telefon: (09281) 974-0
    Durchwahl: 395
    Ralph Hopperdietzel, Nov 20, 2003
  11. Hello Devin,
    When i export a dxf and import this file in illustrator or corel draw, i
    have only the outlines. With "3D-graphic" i mean, i will the complete
    graphic - outlines with surfaces as a vector graphic.

    Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Ralph Hopperdietzel

    EMU Unterwasserpumpen GmbH
    Brand Management / Tech. Docu.
    Phon: (09281) 974-395
    Ralph Hopperdietzel, Nov 20, 2003
  12. Ralph Hopperdietzel

    daniel Guest

    Ralph Hopperdietzel wrote on 20.11.2003 10:11 Uhr

    The best you can do is to save as JPG or TIFF, or save a rendered image for
    higher resolution. However you will not get the vector art - those are only
    bitmap. For vector the only possibility is DXF or DWG ( I forget, but I
    think illustrator imports DWG also).

    I am guessing, but are you looking to have filled vector areas (parts, or
    faces) that you can select and change to another color? If you are looking
    to make changes to part colors or fill areas, then I think this is not the
    best way. If that is your goal, to change colors later, then I would suggest
    Photoshop working with renders in tif or jpg.. But then, I am guessing what
    you are really trying to do...

    Another possibility, it that you can layer the DXF/DWG vector over a TIF/JPG
    In Illustrator. In this way you get the sharpest vector reproduction your
    printer can output, combined with the bitmap image below. What I do not know
    is if the two would actually match-up when layered - might be interesting to

    Also remember that the resolution of renders in SW is definable, but the
    Save As JPG or TIF will always be low res.

    daniel, Nov 20, 2003
  13. Hello,

    we need the pictures for o&m manuals and repair manuals in different sizes.
    When i work with vector pictures, i can change the size in Framemaker. When
    i work with pixel pictures, i must change the size in Photoshop for the
    optimal resolution and save the files with different resolutions.

    When i work with vectors, i have one file for all applications for different
    sizes. When i work with pixel, i have a lot of the same file with different

    Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Ralph Hopperdietzel

    EMU Unterwasserpumpen GmbH
    Brand Management / Tech. Docu.
    Phon: (09281) 974-395
    Ralph Hopperdietzel, Nov 21, 2003
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