Python PCells .. Where to start?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Reotaro Hashemoto, Dec 3, 2008.

  1. Hi all!

    Would anyone please suggest the correct start point to learn Python
    Pcells creation?

    Do you think that Python Pcells is better than SKILL Pcells in terms
    of simplicity and control over more complex cells?

    Reotaro Hashemoto, Dec 3, 2008
  2. Reotaro Hashemoto

    Riad KACED Guest

    Dear Ahamd,

    We have had some discussion previously in this forum about python,
    pcells ... etc.

    Q1: I think Ciranova's Pycell studio is a good point to start with.
    People from Ciranova are very likely to comment on your question and
    give you the best advice on this. Meantime you could start looking at:

    1. The LSI Python for OpenAccess: Python4oa

    2. The Ciranova Python API

    3 I have gone through a web site for 'Open Pcells' something but I
    can't remember the exact location off the top of my head :-( Google
    would be of better help I guess.

    Q2: I didn't personally use the Ciranova Pycell Studio, I have just
    gave it a glance for evaluation a little while back. I prefer then let
    'experienced' people to talk about it. This discussion might be
    helpful for you as well :

    Have a nice day,
    Riad KACED, Dec 3, 2008
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