PWX2 - Custom Material Files

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by CoreyK, Jun 30, 2003.

  1. CoreyK

    CoreyK Guest

    I have created some custom materials which are saved in the custom
    materials folder on my hard drive. SWX is constantly forgetting where
    the custom materials folder is located and tells me the material
    cannot be found. Is there something I'm overlooking? Am I the only
    one? It is really frustrating to keep seeing this error. When I open
    the material editor the custom material folder is there and the
    material can be selected, but for some reason the material will not be
    found when the file is first opened.

    SWX2003 SP3.0
    Win2000 SP3
    PIII 800 Mhz
    1/2GB ram

    P.S. I did a little project on the weekend for a friend in SWX2001+.
    It consisted of an assembly of about 40 parts. I worked all weekend
    on this project using this powerhouse computer: Dell PII 266 Mhz, 64
    MB ram, 4 MB video card, Windows 98. It crashed once! Hmmmmm.....
    CoreyK, Jun 30, 2003
  2. CoreyK

    Scott Guest

    I think maybe that is because your still using Beta. (I believe beta existed
    in SP3.0, but was fully release in SP3.1) but I maybe mistaken.
    Scott, Jun 30, 2003
  3. I also have the same problem. I believe it's a bug in PW2. There
    seem to be quite a few bugs in the Production release version of PW2.
    They are not very serious just annoying as hell. SolidWorks actually
    remebers where the folder is on my machine but it can't find the file
    in the folder. I have to browse to the folder and show it that the
    file does exist and it is in that location. I also have problems with
    room sizes changing, the floor offset changing, the render button not
    working, the feature manager tab for PW2 not working and texture
    mapping issues.
    Rob Rodriguez, Jun 30, 2003
  4. CoreyK

    CoreyK Guest

    Yes, this is exactly the problem I see - SWX has the custom folder
    listed in the material editor but can't seem to locate the file. I
    have started modelling my rooms and floors instead of using the
    built-in ones because of the floor shifting problem. If I don't use a
    modelled floor I will put the correct offset value in the comments
    field of the document properties so that it is easy to get it back in
    the correct position when SWX "forgets".

    I'm also not sure about the algorithm that PWX uses to determine where
    the floor zero position is located. If you set your floor location to
    have an offset of 0 and aligned with the x-y plane, shouldn't it end
    up coincident with the bounding box of the model and parallel to the
    x-y plane? It always seems to end up somewhere off in space with no
    apparent relation to any of the geometry in the model. Wierd....

    I would prefer that the default floor offset was 0 anyway. Most
    mechanical designs do not float in space - they sit on a surface in
    some fashion. It seems that most times when a floor is needed the
    user would want an offset of 0 right?
    CoreyK, Jul 1, 2003
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