PW2 - render refraction in air glass & water?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Zander, Mar 2, 2004.

  1. Zander

    Zander Guest

    Hi all,

    I'm trying to do some sample renderings to illustrate the refraction of
    light in a plastic model that has air on one side and water on the other.
    This seems difficult to do in SW for a few reasons.

    I've created an assembly with 3 parts, essentially my plastic part
    embedded in a core/cavity block whereby the core is defined as water and
    the cavity is defined as air.

    I've set all 3 parts to 'plain glass' full transparent etc. with the proper
    indices of refraction:

    air = 1.00029; water = 1.333; acrylic = 1.499

    I've then put reference decals on certain faces of the blocks to be able to
    observe the refraction.

    The main 2 problems are:

    1: Can't really embed the 'camera' inside the air the way I want to.
    2: The strange 'polygonal' shapes visible in a rendering when to solid
    bodies share a coincident face.

    Any ideas for improvement would be, as always, greatly appreciated!


    Zander, Mar 2, 2004
  2. Zander

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    Not sure if this will help, but Paul has a "get inside a room trick"
    that you can use maybe to help you get the camera inside the the air.

    Arthur Y-S, Mar 2, 2004
  3. Zander

    Zander Guest

    Thanks Arthur.

    (Arthur Y-S) wrote in
    Zander, Mar 2, 2004
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