putprop error

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by SS, Mar 12, 2008.

  1. SS

    SS Guest

    I have the following callback function called everytime something
    changes in a toggle field.
    I am getting the following error

    *Error* putprop: first arg must be either symbol, list, defstruct or
    user type - nil

    Here is my callback procedure

    procedure( toggleCB(form field)
    let((fieldValue toggleValue lastValue)
    ;; get the current value of the field
    fieldValue = getq(get(form field) value)
    ;; obtain the toggle value, which is the last value in the list
    toggleValue = car(last(getq(get(form field) value)))
    ;; store a custom property on this field to mark the last value
    lastValue = putpropq(get(form field) !toggleValue storedValue)
    printf("I'm breaking in ToggleAll\n")
    ;; when the current toggle value is not the same as the stored
    ;; set the values all on if the toggle is on, or all off otherwise
    when(toggleValue != lastValue
    putpropq(get(form field) mapcar(lambda((x) x t) fieldValue)
    putpropq(get(form field) mapcar(lambda((x) x nil) fieldValue)
    ); if
    ); when
    ); let

    It is erroring out in the putprop statements.

    Could you tell me what is that Iam doing is wrong
    SS, Mar 12, 2008
  2. SS wrote, on 03/12/08 13:31:
    Well, the error suggests that it's the putpropq statement. So most likely it's
    the get(form field) is returning nil, so it's likely to be related to what
    you're passing into the toggleCB function - without knowing that, it's hard to
    tell what's wrong!

    You've only given part of the code, and so if form is a variable containing the
    form data structure, and field is a symbol representing the field name, all
    should be OK, I think (from a quick read through the code - I didn't check it


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 2, 2008
  3. SS

    SS Guest

    Thanks Andrew ,
    Fixed the issue.

    SS, Apr 2, 2008
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