I have the following callback function called everytime something changes in a toggle field. I am getting the following error *Error* putprop: first arg must be either symbol, list, defstruct or user type - nil Here is my callback procedure procedure( toggleCB(form field) let((fieldValue toggleValue lastValue) ;; get the current value of the field fieldValue = getq(get(form field) value) ;; obtain the toggle value, which is the last value in the list toggleValue = car(last(getq(get(form field) value))) ;; store a custom property on this field to mark the last value lastValue = putpropq(get(form field) !toggleValue storedValue) printf("I'm breaking in ToggleAll ") ;; when the current toggle value is not the same as the stored value ;; set the values all on if the toggle is on, or all off otherwise when(toggleValue != lastValue if(toggleValue putpropq(get(form field) mapcar(lambda((x) x t) fieldValue) value) putpropq(get(form field) mapcar(lambda((x) x nil) fieldValue) value) ); if ); when ); let ) It is erroring out in the putprop statements. Could you tell me what is that Iam doing is wrong