
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by steve.franks, Jul 2, 2005.

  1. steve.franks

    steve.franks Guest

    I have a drawing that has several layers that I cannot remove when
    purging. I turn off all the layers except the ones I one to purge and
    there are no lines there! When I try to delete the layer I get a error
    message saying i cannot delete the layer. Has anyone got any
    suggestions of how I can purge these layers?

    Many thanks

    steve.franks, Jul 2, 2005
  2. russellschulke, Jul 2, 2005
  3. steve.franks

    Jeff Guest

    Make sure those layers are not set to "Freeze in Current Viewport" in a
    paperspace viewport.
    Jeff, Jul 3, 2005
  4. steve.franks

    chula Guest

    in the layer manager, you can try a right clik on the layer and delete.
    sometime it's working
    chula, Jul 3, 2005
  5. That's a bit drastic. He will lose all views, viewport setups, UCSs, unused
    styles and blocks.

    The problem is more likely much simpler to solve. Check that floating
    viewports do not have the offending layers frozen in them before you purge.
    If that doesn't work, look into your block definitions. Some may have had
    these layers "current" when they were made, so that even if there were no
    entities on these layers, they are defined in these blocks. For that matter
    see if there are blocks you can purge, they may contain the block

    One more thing, if the layers came in with an XREF they cannot be purged in
    the host drawing.
    Michael Bulatovich, Jul 3, 2005
  6. steve.franks

    COVO Guest

    You can install Express tools if you did not yet, and there you have Layer
    delete. That will work 100 %. You just have to draw one line with this layer
    you want delete, and than choose Layer delete and select this line. Anything
    in this layer will vanish.
    COVO, Jul 6, 2005
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