purge block name or reference help

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by John Coon, Mar 6, 2005.

  1. John Coon

    John Coon Guest

    I'm seeking advice in purging block names or how to restructure insert block
    routine so that when it runs more than once without a purge the block
    doesn't gets created again on insertion. All other block insertion routines
    I've created use a BlockRef As AcadBlockReference to a location on my hard
    drive. These work fine.

    This is one of the first routines I've done that creates the block inside
    the routine. I thought this would make the routine more stable but not
    finding a clear answer on how to purge a block on search of the newsgroups I
    thought post .

    Thanks, Have a great day.

    'create block name
    Dim BlockName As String
    BlockName = "Leachfieldrun"
    Dim LayerName As String
    LayerName = "C-SEWER-UNDR"

    Dim ptOrigin(2) As Double
    ptOrigin(0) = 0#: ptOrigin(1) = 0#: ptOrigin(2) = 0#

    Dim Block As AcadBlock
    Set Block = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Add(ptOrigin, BlockName)

    Dim halfwith As Double
    halfwith = TextBox7 / 2 ' 25'
    Dim Offsetdist As Double
    Offsetdist = TextBox8 '30'

    Dim pt101(2) As Double
    pt101(0) = 0#: pt101(1) = -halfwith: pt101(2) = 0#'
    pt102(0) = 0#: pt102(1) = halfwith: pt102(2) = 0#
    Dim pt103(2) As Double
    pt103(0) = TextBox6: pt103(1) = halfwith: pt103(2) = 0#
    Dim pt104(2) As Double
    pt104(0) = TextBox6: pt104(1) = -halfwith: pt104(2) = 0#

    ' Add the lines to the block's definition
    Block.AddLine pt101, pt102
    Block.AddLine pt102, pt103
    Block.AddLine pt103, pt104
    Block.AddLine pt104, pt101

    Set BlockRef = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(newpt2001,
    "Leachfieldrun", 1#, 1#, 1#, dblRot)
    Set BlockRef = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(newpt2002,
    "Leachfieldrun", 1#, 1#, 1#, dblRot)
    John Coon, Mar 6, 2005
  2. John Coon

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Hi John,
    Purge is not what you want since you can't purge a block when there are
    references to it in the drawing. What you want to do is check for it's
    existence and create it if it's not in the database. Note that I modified
    some of your code where it references textboxes so i could test it without a

    Function make_Leachfieldrun()
    'create block name
    Dim BlockName As String
    BlockName = "Leachfieldrun"
    Dim LayerName As String
    LayerName = "C-SEWER-UNDR"

    Dim ptOrigin(2) As Double
    ptOrigin(0) = 0#: ptOrigin(1) = 0#: ptOrigin(2) = 0#

    Dim Block As AcadBlock
    Set Block = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Add(ptOrigin, BlockName)

    Dim halfwith As Double
    halfwith = 25 / 2 ' 25'
    Dim Offsetdist As Double
    Offsetdist = 30 '30'

    Dim pt101(2) As Double
    pt101(0) = 0#: pt101(1) = -halfwith: pt101(2) = 0# '
    Dim pt102(2) As Double
    pt102(0) = 0#: pt102(1) = halfwith: pt102(2) = 0#
    Dim pt103(2) As Double
    pt103(0) = 15: pt103(1) = halfwith: pt103(2) = 0#
    Dim pt104(2) As Double
    pt104(0) = 15: pt104(1) = -halfwith: pt104(2) = 0#

    ' Add the lines to the block's definition
    Block.AddLine pt101, pt102
    Block.AddLine pt102, pt103
    Block.AddLine pt103, pt104
    Block.AddLine pt104, pt101
    End Function

    Sub insert_Leachfield()
    Dim BlockRef As AcadBlockReference
    Dim BlockDef As AcadBlock
    Dim newpt2001(2) As Double, newpt2002(2) As Double

    newpt2001(0) = 100#: newpt2001(1) = 100#
    newpt2002(0) = 200#: newpt2002(1) = 100#
    On Error Resume Next 'catch the error if block not found
    Set BlockDef = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item("Leachfieldrun")
    If BlockDef Is Nothing Then make_Leachfieldrun 'not found so create it

    On Error GoTo 0
    Set BlockRef = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(newpt2001,
    "Leachfieldrun", 1#, 1#, 1#, 0)
    Set BlockRef = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(newpt2002,
    "Leachfieldrun", 1#, 1#, 1#, 0)

    End Sub
    Jeff Mishler, Mar 6, 2005
  3. John Coon

    john coon Guest

    Hi Jeff,

    Thanks so much for your comments. I was banging my head on this. This is
    exactly what I was looking to do. I didn't notice it on several other
    because they were placing the same sized block just in deferent locations.
    This sample routine was dynamic in the sizing of the block and that's when I
    noticed it.

    Thanks as always.

    John Coon
    john coon, Mar 7, 2005
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