Pulling out the Part Number from a design table into a drawing

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mshop, Oct 8, 2007.

  1. mshop

    mshop Guest

    Good day to all,

    I have just started using design tables for configuring a turned part.
    The model configuration works well and I can build my different parts
    through the design table
    Each configuration 1 make will generate a new part name and number

    I would like to store the part name, part number and other comments
    into the design table and then pull this information out into the

    Could someone give me a couple tips on how this is accomplished?

    Thanks for any help,

    Andy Kveps
    mshop, Oct 8, 2007
  2. Make them custom properties - that way you can easily get to that info from
    either direction.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 8, 2007
  3. mshop

    bitweaver Guest

    You can display your design table directly in your drawing. It
    requires some formatting of the table to make it look right, but
    basically this is the process. Click on any view to make it active
    then click on Insert/Tables/Design Tables. Your table will then
    display in your drawing. Drag it to where you want it to display. The
    "Help" in SolidWorks is pretty good on this; go to Help/Index/Drawings/
    design tables.
    bitweaver, Oct 9, 2007
  4. mshop

    That70sTick Guest

    Use the custom property. How would the part number be in the DT
    without first being a config-specific custom property?
    That70sTick, Oct 9, 2007
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