Publishing to Acrobat 6.0 - No Layout names?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jbartels, Oct 21, 2004.

  1. jbartels

    jbartels Guest

    I am currently running AutoCAD 2005 and Adobe Acrobat Professional 6.0. If I attempt to publish multiple sheets (or plot even one sheet for that matter) the PDF filename doesn't include the layout name. In previous versions of AutoCAD when I would plot a sheet to pdf, the pdf filename will end with the layout that was plotted.
    Example - mydrawing layout1.dwg, mydrawing layout2.dwg, mydrawing layout3.dwg
    I have recently upgraded from AutoCAD 2004 and Acrobat 5.0 and my plotting is not working like it used to. (Since I have upgraded both programs, I don't know which is to blame for the issue.)
    What I do know is that if I attempt to plot/publish to DWF, the layout is included in the filename. If I switch my plotter to Adobe PDF, the layout is dropped from the filename.
    Is anyone else experiencing this?
    This will REALLY make things difficult when plotting a drawing with 17 layouts to PDF if I have to manually add a suffix to every pdf filename such that it won't overwrite the previous pdf.
    Any help would be appreciated.


    Jeff Bartels
    Christopher B. Burke Engineering West, Ltd.
    jbartels, Oct 21, 2004
  2. They probably did it that way assuming that most people didn't want
    the -Layout1 or -Model(1) added on. I'm surprised that if you are printing
    directly to the Adobe PDF Writer that it does that though because that would
    mean that they would have to be filtering off the -Layout1 from the name
    that AutoCAD passes in the print process. My Adobe isn't working right now
    from 2005 but you might want to try naming the layout something like Test1
    or Test1- and see if that fools Acrobat so it doesn't remove it.

    If you really want to make your life easy try our AcroPlot line of products
    ( which were specifically designed to create PDF files
    from AutoCAD. Our times are usually faster, quality better, and file sizes
    smaller. Plus we support things like the Lines Merge and also taking
    multiple drawings and multiple layouts and putting them into 1 single PDF
    complete with bookmarks and everything.

    If you do try it to get individual PDF files with the -Layout tacked on the
    end change the Convert To setting in the upper right to "Individual PDF for
    each layout". Otherwise the other settings assume that you are merging
    multiple layouts into 1 PDF and use just the drawing name.

    Rodney McManamy

    518 South Route 31 Suite 200
    McHenry, IL 60050
    Providing Industrial Strength
    PDF & DWF Solutions to the
    Global CAD Marketplace.

    If I attempt to publish multiple sheets (or plot even one sheet for that
    matter) the PDF filename doesn't include the layout name. In previous
    versions of AutoCAD when I would plot a sheet to pdf, the pdf filename will
    end with the layout that was plotted.
    is not working like it used to. (Since I have upgraded both programs, I
    don't know which is to blame for the issue.)
    included in the filename. If I switch my plotter to Adobe PDF, the layout
    is dropped from the filename.
    layouts to PDF if I have to manually add a suffix to every pdf filename such
    that it won't overwrite the previous pdf.
    Rodney McManamy - CADzation, Oct 21, 2004
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