Publish vs. BatchPlot

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by HT, Oct 19, 2004.

  1. HT

    HT Guest

    I have a couple of different methods being used for printing / plotting. We
    have a handful of people using the Publish tool in autocad which is similar
    to BatchPlot and others are using BatchPlot. My personal choice is
    batchplot but mainly due to unfamiliarity with Publish. Does anyone have
    any thoughts that they can send my way as to which I should enforce. We
    seem to be having some stability issues with Publish but before I take it
    away I want to make sure this is the right thing to do. Any input is
    HT, Oct 19, 2004
  2. HT

    C Witt Guest

    batch plot doesn't even come close to the same level as publish, you are
    missing out. (sry no specifics, just adding my 2 cents)
    C Witt, Oct 19, 2004
  3. HT

    HT Guest

    We are using ADT 2004 and we are printing to both large and small formatt
    machines. I am lacking in the knowledge of Publish, but it seems that if
    there are any anomolies within the drawings themselves then Publish seems to
    stall out and fail to finish. At least with batch plotting I know that the
    print will still run through. The steps that being done with Publish are
    similar to batch plot. We are starting up Publish and importing the set
    that we want to print. Selecting all files and setting a previously saved
    sheet layout. Then sending it to print. I have noticed that there are a
    couple of selection boxes at the bottom of the Publish window. One I
    believe is for .PLT files and the location in which they are stored but I am
    uncertain as to the purpose of the top selection. I want to find out the
    best method and any additional information would be greatly appreciated.
    HT, Oct 19, 2004
  4. HT

    HT Guest

    OK. I am still researching the publish features. We are running ADT 2004
    and when we publish using the "plotter names in page set-up" option we are
    getting the files dumped to a folder as plot files. We have gone into the
    drawing where we have the saved page set-up and if we select the same set-up
    it does not plot to file. The box is not checked in the plot dialogue and
    the sheet will send to the plotter. So now I need to try and find out if
    there are any known do's and don'ts when using this tool. I am actually in
    favor of creating plot files first but while I fight that battle I need to
    figure out what is going on. We have already established that I am
    unfamiliar with the tool, but I am having trouble finding a good tutorial on
    how to use it correctly. Are there any conflicts with publish and project
    navigator or anything. I am pulling out what hair I have out trying to
    trouble shoot this issue. Any Info would be appreciated. Thanks again
    HT, Nov 1, 2004
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