Public/Private class/types question

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mark Propst, Feb 21, 2004.

  1. Mark Propst

    Mark Propst Guest

    Sometimes i work in vba sometimes in vb.

    Exporting(saving) modules/classes etc for reuse.

    sometimes if i pull a class into a vb project i get an error saying class
    cant be public in this type of project(std exe) it says the class has been
    converted to private.
    then when i try to run a test, i get errors with public declarations, types,
    etc that were in the class.
    so to end up using it I have to rewrite everything from public to private...

    i'm missing something obvious here

    Is this telling me that I originally created the class in vba and that vba
    creates public classes but vb can only use private classes?

    or maybe i created them in a dll project and later used in standard exe

    Do i need duplicates for all my classes, one for vb and one for vba? or one
    for exe and one for dll???

    Could this be a reason why my .dvb files frequently get corrupted and refuse
    to load?
    eg, create a class in a dvb project, export the class for reuse, later
    import into vb project and vb changes the class somehow, then the dvb
    doesn't work any more cause the class it references has been changed by

    I don't think so..., since the dvb keeps it's "files"(modules/classes/forms)
    to itself, and only saves to disk if you export a module and is not reading
    classes and modules from disk when a .dvb project is opened,
    ( as opposed to vb which saves modules and classes to disk when you save a
    project .vbp which contains said modules and classes and reads modules and
    classes from disk when you open a project .vbp)...but i figured I'd ask just
    in case
    Mark Propst, Feb 21, 2004
  2. Mark Propst

    Mark Propst Guest

    guess this was even dumber than my usual dumb questions eh?
    Mark Propst, Feb 24, 2004
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