PTC have done it again!!

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by huggre, Sep 3, 2004.

  1. huggre

    huggre Guest

    Just moved all our users from 2001 to Wildfire2, hoping the
    translation would go as smooth as PTC states, well supprise it is
    For some reason it seams that they have changed the way Pro/E
    calculates weight, in 2001 you could have a relation that populates a
    userdefined parameter with weight - weight=(mp_mass("")) well this no
    longer works as the mass calculation now seems to trigger after the
    relation is run.
    I understand that we now are supposed to use a system paramter called
    pro_mp_mass instead forgeting that we have thousands of drawings
    allready using the weight param + the intralink parameter.
    How the #@&&%!!" are we suppose to handle this problem??

    Any ideas??

    huggre, Sep 3, 2004
  2. huggre

    David Janes Guest

    : Just moved all our users from 2001 to Wildfire2, hoping the
    : translation would go as smooth as PTC states, well supprise it is
    : not!!!
    : For some reason it seams that they have changed the way Pro/E
    : calculates weight, in 2001 you could have a relation that populates a
    : userdefined parameter with weight - weight=(mp_mass("")) well this no
    : longer works as the mass calculation now seems to trigger after the
    : relation is run.
    : I understand that we now are supposed to use a system paramter called
    : pro_mp_mass instead forgeting that we have thousands of drawings
    : allready using the weight param + the intralink parameter.
    : How the #@&&%!!" are we suppose to handle this problem??
    It'd be nice if you were already using ModelCHECK because this sounds like the
    perfect application for it. It can go through commonspace, open the files, run a
    check for the defunct parameter and correct it. And it can do this unattended, off
    hours, for as many nights as it takes to complete the task. Maybe PTC has a better
    idea! Of course, if they did, it would have been nice to put it in a 'What's New
    in WF2' document.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Sep 3, 2004
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