PSS with another parameter than time possible ?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Stefan Joeres, Nov 10, 2003.

  1. Hi alltogether,

    do you know whether it's possible in SpectreRF to do a PSS-analysis of an
    oscillator with a given frequency and to find the steady-state-solution by
    varying another parameter (e.g. delay for a ringoscillator) instead of
    finding the resulting frequency ?

    I appreciate any hint or answer,

    Stefan Joeres, Nov 10, 2003
  2. Stefan,

    I don't understand what you mean. Can you elaborate? PSS finds the
    steady state solution over a period of operation of the circuit. In
    autonomous mode it "locks" onto the period - I'm not sure however
    what you mean by "varying" another parameter - are you wanting to
    do a sweep or something? I just don't understand what you're describing


    Andrew Beckett, Nov 10, 2003
  3. I don't understand what you mean. Can you elaborate? PSS finds the
    Yes, it "locks" onto the period by varying the initial conditions and
    adjusting the time after which it finds the steady state solution ( = one
    period ).
    No I wonder whether it would be possible to change one parameter (e.g. a
    control voltage which adjusts the delay of a ring oscillator) and to fix the
    time after which the steady state solution should be reached.

    To be more specific :
    I've got a ring oscillator and I want to measure the phase noise at a given
    oscillation frequency. At the moment, I need to do a transient analysis with
    a sweep of the parameter controlling the delay of each stage, find the value
    at which the ring oscillator oscillates with the given frequency, enter this
    parameters into the variables by hand and to do the PSS and Pnoise analysis
    with that parameter set - as you may know it's quite hard to get this
    parameter precisely without a large number of points for the sweep.

    Please ask again, if this isn't fully understandable.

    Stefan Joeres
    Stefan Joeres, Nov 10, 2003
  4. Hi Stefan,

    No, that's not possible. What you're describing is effectively a phase-locked loop.
    There's a whole difference between the simulator having to solve another
    unknown in the boundary conditions using shooting methods (which I think
    roughly describes what it is doing...), and varying something major like
    the control voltage, allowing it to settle, and monitoring when it has
    locked phase in a stable way in a reasonable time. After all PLL's
    generally take quite a bit of time to lock (relatively speaking). I'm not sure
    there's any way of doing this in the same sort of timescales that autonomous
    PSS mode uses - because it strikes me as being a much harder problem.

    You might want to look at Ken Kundert's paper " Predicting the phase noise and
    jitter of PLL-based frequency synthesizers" (see the front page of for a link to the paper), for
    ways of characterizing your oscillator and modelling the PLL. Just an
    idea; may not be what you want, but worth a look I think.


    Andrew Beckett, Nov 11, 2003
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