PSS Question in IC 5.0

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Andrew Beckett, Dec 5, 2003.

  1. Vincent,

    This information is (and always has been) irrelevant for PSS. QPSS needs to
    know whether the signal was large or moderate, but PSS does not use this
    information. You used to have a choice of large, moderate, or small, with the
    default set to moderate. Since it made no difference, and PSS treats all signals
    as large, the form was changed to only allow large.

    Similarly since QPSS only allows large and moderate, small is no longer
    available as a choice for QPSS.
    Depends on what you're doing.

    What frequencies do you have going in - what is the PSS fundamental. What
    tolerance settings have you set (reltol, iabstol, vabstol) and pss options
    (errpreset, relref, method, maxacfreq, maxstep, no. harmonics, highorder),
    How big is the circuit (the circuit inventory at the start of the ouput will
    tell you)?

    Andrew Beckett, Dec 5, 2003
  2. Andrew Beckett

    Vincent Guest

    Hi there:

    I have two questions regarding to PSS simulation in IC 5.0:

    1) When I open PSS analysis form, there are always "large" in "fundamental
    tones-signal" column, looks like I can't change this property. I thought
    there should be "moderate" in IC 4.4.x. so I just wonder if Cadence made
    any modification here.

    2) the memory was eaten up during PSS analysis (my RAM is 512M). that makes
    analysis speed extramely slow. Is it a bug?

    Thanks a lot.
    Vincent, Dec 6, 2003
  3. Andrew Beckett

    vincent Guest

    Hi Andrew:

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    According to your point, new PSS don't not have choice other than "large".
    However, the problem is new PSS always treats my input signal source (could
    be set as "small" one in previous version) as "large" signal. It could make
    some errors I guess. In this case, how can I make PSS recognize it as a
    "small" signal just for PAC? or I add this kind of sources after PSS

    As of the memory issure, my circuit info is:

    Circuit inventory:
    nodes 102
    equations 138
    ahdl simulator 1
    bsim3v3 100
    capacitor 30
    inductor 10
    isource 6
    opamp 1
    quantity 6
    resistor 31
    vsource 12
    Important parameter values:
    start = 0 s
    outputstart = 0 s
    stop = 5.15 us
    step = 5.15 ns
    maxstep = 103 ns
    ic = all
    skipdc = no
    reltol = 1e-03
    abstol(I) = 1 pA
    abstol(V) = 1 uV
    temp = 27 C
    tnom = 27 C
    tempeffects = all
    errpreset = moderate
    method = trapgear2
    lteratio = 3.5
    relref = sigglobal
    cmin = 0 F
    gmin = 1 pS

    PSS sideband: 0

    what do you say? is there any thing I can set to minimize RAM usage?

    Thanks a lot

    Andrew Beckett wrote:
    vincent, Dec 6, 2003
  4. Andrew Beckett

    vincent Guest

    Hi Andrew:

    I guess I solved half of the memory problem. By typing in a swap file name
    in "swapfile" column, spectre could save tons of memory. however, there are
    still lots of memory being occupied by disk cache and finally slowing down
    the performance. So, I'm try to figure out how to disable cache function in
    Linux now. Do you have comments about this?

    vincent, Dec 8, 2003
  5. Hi Vincent,

    Well you didn't mention the frequencies involved (which is probably
    useful for me to know, since that will be a major influence on the

    PSS treats all large signal, time varying inputs as large (because they are).
    If you want to have a small signal for PAC, then use a vsource, isource, or
    port, and set the "PAC Magnitude". No need to make that input a sine
    source - DC would do.

    So in a mixer you could have just the LO as large, with the RF input as
    DC with PAC magnitude set, Then the PSS would only have to analyse
    a single period of the LO, which is pretty efficient. Now, it depends on
    what you're doing - you might need large signal inputs too (if you're doing
    1dB compression point, say) - but if there's no need fo a signal to be large,
    make it small...

    I'd definitely advise attending a training class if you can - it definitely
    helps to get the best out of a complex tool like spectreRF.

    You mentioned in a subsequent using "swapfile". swapfile doesn't prevent memory
    being used, it just uses it more efficiently by mapping that memory into a file
    in a way that is under spectre's control, rather than using OS swapping. If you
    can avoid using that memory, then that's a better thing.

    To be fair 512Mbytes isn't that much memory, though...

    Andrew Beckett, Dec 8, 2003
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