Hi all, I have specified parameters for external application for Proe in protk.dat file. If I register this application through Tools>Auxiliary application>Register>Start it works perfect. But I want to start it automatically when Proe starts. I tried several ways what I found in the help: Pro/ENGINEER searches for the registry file in the following locations, in this order: 1. A file called protk.dat or prodev.dat in the current directory 2. A file named in a "PROTKDAT", "PRODEVDAT", or "TOOLKIT_REGISTRY_FILE" statement in the Pro/ENGINEER configuration file 3. A file called protk.dat or prodev.dat in the directory <Pro/ENGINEER>/<MACHINE>/text/<LANGUAGE> 4. A file called protk.dat or prodev.dat in the directory <Pro/ENGINEER>/text but without success. Do you have some ideas where I did mistake? Peter