
Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Frodo69, May 19, 2006.

  1. Frodo69

    Frodo69 Guest

    I have to put in a drawing table some parameters automatically
    such as file path directory, material name, part weight.
    Could someone let me know the right parameters to put into the

    Thanks in advance
    Frodo69, May 19, 2006
  2. Frodo69

    David Janes Guest

    First of all, here are some of the parameters you may put in drawings (from the
    Help files).
    Precede the paramater name with an ampersand sign (&) which means 'show the value
    of '.
    In your case, I've never heard of a system parameter, unless it was related to
    Intralink, that captured file location; material name could be a parameter, but it
    is more likely related to the information in material files and none of these
    reserve a material name. However, people have used CONDITION and a value so
    assigned for this purpose. Part weight is likely pro_mp_mass, though there are
    numerous complications with using this and keeping the value current.
    David Janes, May 20, 2006
  3. Frodo69

    cad/cam/guy Guest

    such as file path directory

    having the option

    display_full_object_path yes

    is a good start, but there are some steps you need to take
    cad/cam/guy, Jun 3, 2006
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