Properties panel split control?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by 321design, May 18, 2007.

  1. 321design

    321design Guest

    How can I control the way the design tree panel splits while in

    Sometimes the panel spits into 2 separate panels showing the same tree
    top and bottom. If I select view mates, they will be displayed in a
    separate split panel below (this is good).

    I want to be able to control the way the panel splits and to keep the
    dividers in one place but it seems to change without any logic. And
    sometimes I can right click on a part and the mates will be displayed
    in a lower panel.

    How can I have control over this??

    BTW, I'm using 2006; soon to go to 2007 - tell me 2007 has control
    over the config. of the panel display......

    321design, May 18, 2007
  2. 321design

    TOP Guest

    This has been an unadressed problem with SW for many years. The best
    you can do is make a macro to toggle them back to one.
    TOP, May 19, 2007
  3. 321design

    fcsuper Guest

    fcsuper, May 20, 2007
  4. 321design

    Nev Williams Guest

    This has been a PITA for as long as I can remember.
    If you had a car and every time you put your foot on the gas you expect the
    transmission to kick down a gear - not shift into reverse instead then into

    Sorry, but like the rest of us just take a deep inward breath and breath out
    slowly a few times.

    The whole erratic behaviour of the feature manager is one of the biggest and
    most obvious displays of the inept programming, also one of the reasons why
    alot of maintenance subscribers (me included) are seriously thinking of
    flagging away paying any more money to maintenance subscription if they are
    unable or unwilling to address these glaring cock-ups.
    To back up the above read Don V's post in thread "Things that bug me!" to
    see other wonderful things that have been waiting to be fixed for years.

    Vent valve now closing, pressure returning to near normal
    Nev Williams, May 20, 2007
  5. 321design

    321design Guest

    So much for "hearing the voice of the customer"

    Thanks for the replies - Rob
    321design, May 20, 2007
  6. 321design

    John H Guest

    In 2007 you can pin the "view mates" panel so that it stays there.
    However, one new "enhancement" is that when you select a component, it
    automatically hides all the other components which it is not mated to.
    This can be useful, but I've also found myself needing to see the other
    components at the same time, plus it has to redraw the screen when you
    "escape" from the command.

    So, 1.1 steps forward, 1 step back.

    John H
    John H, May 22, 2007
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