Properties of Rectangle and Label

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by New User ^_^, Apr 7, 2004.

  1. New User ^_^

    New User ^_^ Guest

    Hi Everyone ^^ ,

    I'm a NEW USER of SKILL code. At the moment, I'm writing a layout
    generator using SKILL. I have the following question:

    I know I can use function leSearchHierarchy to put instances,
    rectangles, label and whatever into a list. And I can get some
    information/properties of instances by using function
    geInstIdToFileSpec and geGetInstTransform. But how about rectangles
    and labels? Is there any functions that can get properties of them,
    e.g. text, origin x & y, rotation, bounding box, etc ??

    I would be very grateful if anyone of you could answer me this
    question ^.^

    New User
    New User ^_^, Apr 7, 2004
  2. You can access every attribute of a database object with the
    squiggle arrow operator ~>

    dbObject = car( geGetSelSet( ) )
    (db:55033108 cellView db:55032876 objType "rect"
    prop nil bBox
    ((0.0 0.0)
    (10.0 10.0)
    ) children
    nil groupMembers nil isAnyInst nil
    isShape t matchPoints nil net
    nil parent nil physConns nil
    pin nil purpose "drawing" textDisplays
    nil assocTextDisplays nil layerName "POLYG"
    layerNum 17 lpp
    ("POLYG" "drawing")
    ((0.0 0.0)
    (10.0 10.0)

    Bernd Fischer, Apr 7, 2004
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