How do I keep the autocad properties dialg box from coming up, whenever I use change command within a lisp routine? Using autocad 2005 windows 2000 (command ".change" SS2 "" "properties" "la" "0-XREF" "") (command "_propertiesclose") ;<--I have to add this to close the properties dialog box Gary
Shouldn't need the "properties" option at all if you're using Chprop (where it isn't an option in the prompt) instead of Change, This ought to be enough for that approach: (command "_.chprop" SS2 "" "la" "0-XREF" "") I don't have 2005, and your original works right in 2004. Could it be that Change is now a dialog-box based command in 2005? If so, try using it with the preceding hyphen. Kent Cooper, AIA ...