Propeller design

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by marcus.almendro, Aug 15, 2006.

  1. Hi there, i´m designing a boat propeller, based on naca profiles
    created on matlab. I created 8 profiles and a point at maximum radius.
    Then i tried to do the loft, using 2 guide curves passing by the
    extreme points of each profile (one curve pass by the leading edge, and
    the other by trailing edge). The problem is the blade tip: when i use
    check entities, it says that some faces are inconsistent, so i cannot
    knit surfaces later with the shaft. How do i do the blade tip? (i tried
    to create more profiles in the tip, but all of them are extrapolated
    and the tip gets deformed). If you want more detail, i can send you an

    hope you understand my english,
    Marcus Almendro
    marcus.almendro, Aug 15, 2006
  2. marcus.almendro

    Chebeba Guest

    You would be much better of using a solid loft from the start, instead of surface
    lofts that you knit. Extend the blade into the shaft and join them with a boolean.

    Chebeba, Aug 15, 2006
  3. marcus.almendro

    Nev Williams Guest

    I tend to agree
    I've just had this problem with lofted surfaces on an aircraft wing tip. It
    was all fine and wonderful for creating the shape, but when it comes to
    turning it into a solid - forget it.
    Recreated the wing in solids and had shorter simpler feature manger history
    with which I could create mold splits.
    Don't get me wrong surfaces are cool for creating shapes and probably less
    processor intensive, but the transition to solids is frustrating to say the
    Nev Williams, Aug 15, 2006
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