prop.xx being copied???

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Manju Arasaiah, Apr 27, 2004.

  1. Hi All,

    Why do I get prop.xx also in the list of copying elements when I try
    to copy a cell/view to another cell/view?

    I believe copying prop.xx will create major problems across cells or libraries.

    Is there any reason prop.xx is shown up in the copy form?

    Thanks for ur time, Manju
    Manju Arasaiah, Apr 27, 2004
  2. The cdsCopy engine copies cells and libraries
    in their UNIX structure,
    which means all the required files.

    If you try to copy a cell to an existing one this does not
    change the behaviour of the cdsCopy engine,
    but the default in the copy problems form
    is don't overwrite, so this in not a problem.

    Imagine if you copy a cell to a new cell name,
    if the prop.xx file would not be copied the
    properties of these cell, for the new one, would get lost
    during the copy process.

    Bernd Fischer, Apr 27, 2004
  3. There is also a .cdsenv setting:

    cdsLibManager.copy addPropFiles boolean nil

    (t is the default) which will stop it adding prop.xx files for the level above
    to the list of things to copy. For example, if you copy a cellView, it won't
    then add the cell prop.xx. Similarly, if you copy a cell, it won't add the
    library prop.xx

    Normally this is done to take cell metadata as well - often when copying a
    single view from scratch, you do want this. But not always...

    Note, you need to put the above setting in a .cdsenv file; putting an
    envSetVal() SKILL call in the .cdsinit file won't do, because it has to be
    read by the library manager, which is a separate process and does not read the
    ..cdsinit file - however, you could put an envSetVal() call in the
    file (the startup file for the library manager).


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 28, 2004
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