Projecting SolidWorks points onto surfaces

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by vmuntean, Jun 19, 2007.

  1. vmuntean

    vmuntean Guest


    I have been trying to do something and I am not sure that SolidWorks
    is capable of doing it.

    I have a text file with x y z coordinates of points. x and y have
    numerical values and z is always zero. (basiclly a 2D sketch on the xy
    plane) I have a macro that imports the points as a 2D or 3D sketch
    into a part.

    Now what I need to do is keep the x and y coordinates and project the
    points onto a surface to find out what the z coordinate is. I found a
    macro that can add a coincident relation between the points and the
    surface, but that also changes the x and y coordinates so it will not

    For example, lets say I have a point that has x=25 in, y= -45 in and
    z=0 in. If I project that point onto the surface, the new coordinates
    should be x=25 in, y=-45 in and z=30 in.

    I have not been able to find a way to do this other than putting
    points on the surface and manually changing the x and y coordinates to
    find out what the z coordinate is.

    I am really at a loss at this moment. We need to do this for
    hundreds, maybe thousands of points and manually it would be out of
    the question. I tried importing a curve from x y z coordinates,
    convert entities and then project that onto a surface but that did not
    retain the point coordinates so I was not able to export them out of
    SolidWorks and find out what the z coordinate is.

    I've heard some AutoCAD ideas on maybe drawing lines from the points
    in the z direction and then using the surface to trim them and find
    the intersection points but I am not sure how that would work for
    SolidWorks as a macro.

    Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated as this has
    completely halted my progress on this project.

    Thank you again,

    vmuntean, Jun 19, 2007
  2. vmuntean

    Dale Dunn Guest

    To do it manually, you would use points in a 3DSketch that each have an
    AlongZ relation to the corresponding point in the 2d skecth created by your
    macro. To do hundreds or thousands, you will need some sort of macro. Such
    a maro should be fairly simple for a pro SW macro coder (not me),
    especially if the target surface is a single body. Perhaps the macro you
    already have could be altered to do the job.

    I'm guessing that points on the surface is not your end goal. Is there a
    chance someone may be able to suggest another path to your goal that does
    not involve projecting points onto the surface?
    Dale Dunn, Jun 19, 2007
  3. vmuntean

    vmuntean Guest

    This is the macro that I found online that adds a coincident
    relationship between the point and the surface. Any suggestions on how
    I would go about modifying this would be appreciated.

    Thank you again,


    Dim swApp As Object
    Sub main()
    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc
    Set Sketch = Part.GetActiveSketch2
    If Sketch Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "The 3DSketch must be open", vbCritical, "Points on
    Face macro "
    End If
    Set Sel = Part.SelectionManager
    If Sel.GetSelectedObjectCount <> 1 Or Sel.GetSelectedObjectType(1)
    <> 2 Then ' FACE
    MsgBox "You must select the face", vbCritical, "Points on Face
    macro "
    End If
    Set Face = Sel.GetSelectedObject(1)
    points = Sketch.GetSketchPoints
    For Each i In points
    i.Select False
    Face.Select True
    Part.SketchAddConstraints "sgCOINCIDENT"
    Next i
    End Sub
    vmuntean, Jun 19, 2007
  4. vmuntean

    vmuntean Guest

    I just had a thought although I am not sure how well this would work.
    Could a macro that does this maybe work:

    Import points with xy coordinates and z=0.

    Create an axis for every point using the point and face/plane option.
    Each point will form an axis with the help of a plane that is an
    offset from the xy plane above the surface.

    Next we import the points again in a new sketch with xy coordinates
    and z=0 (because of the order of features created if we try to edit
    the previous sketch, the axes will not be available - unless macros
    work differently)

    We set an intersect relationship between each point, its corresponding
    axis just created and the surface. I know that the logistics of
    writing such a macro may be difficult but at least I have some hope
    that it may work.

    Let me know what you guys think.

    Thank you,

    vmuntean, Jun 19, 2007
  5. ModelDoc2::RayIntersections is the API you need.
    Do you have only 1 possible intersection for each points, or more
    ("folded" surface) ?
    If you have some $ to spend on this, I might help you more ;-)
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Jun 19, 2007
  6. vmuntean

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Just before this line:

    Part.SketchAddConstraints "sgCOINCIDENT"

    you would need to get the x,y coordinates of the point, and then reset the
    coordinates to those points after that line. I don't know enough about the
    API to tell you what functions you would need. If you have thousands of
    these to do and at least a little VBA experience, you can probably figure
    it out a lot faster than manually aliging the points.

    If you don't get far with this, you should probably consult a macro pro.
    There are several around who specialize in SW macros.
    Dale Dunn, Jun 19, 2007
  7. vmuntean

    Dale Dunn Guest

    wrote in
    A macro could do that, but a macro can also accomplish the same thing with
    just the math, and not adding axes.

    See Phillippe's reply. He's definitely a SW macro/API pro who's been around
    for a quite a while, and he has identified the function that can find all 3
    coordinates based on just the x,y coordinates and surface body (or maybe
    face). Take his advice over mine on programming.
    Dale Dunn, Jun 19, 2007
  8. vmuntean

    Brian Guest

    You said that you'd tried importing your coordinates as a curve, and
    that had not worked. What about importing them as a series of line segments
    or a single polyline? That should force SW to retain your original XY
    Brian, Jun 20, 2007
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