Projecting (moulding, wrapping) a 2D ceiling plan to a 3D Edge surface

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Pawel, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. Pawel

    Pawel Guest

    Hi All

    The ceiling plan which I am working on is a blown-off. First, its
    XY plan is very complicated, it consists of many shapes but, what
    is more difficult is that its Z elevation is changing as well (as
    the sea surface).

    So my problem is how to change the Z-coordinates of my XY ceiling
    plan to reflect its variation in Z-axis.

    I can not find anything straight forward in the text books I have
    so I ask you for help.

    I had an idea to use either VBA or AutoLisp, but I was hoping
    that those scripts already exist and somebody would be so king to
    give me such a script.

    The script should take two objects, one is the planar XY plan of
    my ceiling and the other is the XYZ mesh or edge surface and use
    it to update the Z coordinates of the ceiling plan. The output
    should be the new XYZ edge surface with updated XYZ points from
    ceiling plan.

    If somebody can help me with this it would be great.

    thanks in advance
    Pawel, Jan 29, 2006
  2. Pawel

    per.corell Guest

    I think I know what you mean, the easiest way to do this is if you just
    know the basics about setting the screen ---- you need the viewports
    command and the useal 4 windows, one with the perspective and the other
    3 as top-side and front views.
    The smart about four screens are that you can go from screen to screen
    while drawing the lines ,so you can start from top view and that way
    set what you call the Z value by continue the lines you draw on either
    the front or side views.
    If you maneage to fill the area with a mesh you still need a quite fine
    net and you need to edit many cross points --- now this can also be
    done as I point out by going from one plane to the next by vindow.
    per.corell, Jan 30, 2006
  3. Pawel

    Ewa Guest

    Hi Per
    Thanks a lot for the answer, but I do not think so it is a
    solution for me. The reason for that is that my ceiling has
    around 10000 vertexes (points) which means a lot of manual work
    to do. If I spend 1sec for each point it is roughly 2 h to do the
    job, not mentioning the number of mistakes I will surely do.

    I think the only way to do that is some kind of automation. My
    Z-mesh is generated automatically and all (and as much) is to
    locate the Z-coordinates for each point in the corresponding XY
    mesh plane and update it with the value of the mesh point.

    I have done a simulation in Matlab and it took me 15 min to write
    a script. The problem is that I do not know the VB or Lisp and I
    thought that one good man could share it with me.

    Thanks anyways
    take care
    Ewa, Jan 30, 2006
  4. Pawel

    per.corell Guest

    I offcaurse suggest the lines to be drawn as polylines as then ,if you
    draw sections, most of these rutines that ask "definition lines" will
    themself calculate the many cross points .
    Anyway what you ask is not so different from the programs I used for
    boat design ,there you also need a number of sections --- ribs -- and
    when you placed the sections you must be able to point out one by one,
    all the section lines that the program then uses to calculate a much
    more accurate smoothened surface.
    But when you have a 3D drawing of the ceiling then what ---- are you
    then going to generate new sections one to one ,and use these as
    templates , how will you make use of the drawing make the thing into
    real ?
    per.corell, Jan 31, 2006
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