Rey Dec 28, 11:45 am show options Subject: AutoCad Programming Opportunities? Howdy all. Posted same question to the AutoCad general grp but no responses yet...but trying to gauge what might be the demand for programming in AutoCad using AutoLisp or given this grp in VBA as a commute free way of working 8-) My brother-in-law is a one man electrical engineer shop in the LA area. He indicated that if I learned autoLisp he could keep me busy...So my questions are: - is there a demand for this? Better yet, is there a demand for VBA programming? - do I need to learn autocad at the local community college - and to what degree? What version? - what's the going rate ($) for this type programming? are there subsets/specialties? - is there a similar demand in the phoenix, az area? I come from a VB/ background to incl Paradox. Have a familarity with C# and took a semester of C several yrs back as well as Java. Looking to see what opportunities are out there. Have done a quick search for AutoLisp and found Autolisp in Plain English to be highly recommended as a starter book among others. Thanks in advance for comments/suggestions, Rey